Margaret Skok
Senior Fellow
Margaret Skok, a career federal public servant, has worked with the RCMP, Fisheries & Oceans, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Canadian Heritage, and Industry Canada. Her focus has been on domestic and international business development, trade policy, and security.
She served with Global Affairs Canada at the Embassy of Canada in Moscow (1991 – 1994), and as Ambassador to the Republic of Kazakhstan, with concurrent accreditation to the Kyrgyz Republic and to the Republic of Tajikistan. Post retirement, Margaret Skok worked with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to develop an international nuclear strategy, and consulted to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada on an MOU between Canada and Kazakhstan. She has participated as an accredited Canadian observer to elections in Belarus and Ukraine, worked with the Canada Border Services Agency (on a Customs/ gender related initiatives in Ukraine) and recently served as a Senior Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (Global Security and Politics) working on Central Asia and security related initiatives. Currently, she consults to the Canadian government, as well as to the private and public sectors.
Margaret Skok received a Deputy Minister’s Award for exceptional and distinguished contribution to the Canadian public service, a Senate Award for Women in International Business, and two medals from the Republic of Kazakhstan. She is a member of the Ottawa chapter of the Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT) and the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association. Margaret Skok is a graduate of Carleton University, has adult children, and resides in Ottawa, Ontario.