1. Understanding Accommodations in University
    1. What is an “appropriate” accommodation?
    2. How are my template accommodations determined?
    3. Who is responsible for the implementation of academic accommodations at Carleton?
    4. What are my responsibilities in the accommodation process?
  2. Requesting Academic Accommodations
  3. Classroom Accommodations and Services
  4. Exam Accommodations
  5. More Information…

Accessing accommodations in a postsecondary setting often looks quite different than it did to have an IEP (or similar) in high school, or other venues. The biggest difference is that it is incumbent on you, as the student, to self-advocate and ask for the support(s) that you need. Support is available, but you need to take the steps to secure it.

The information on and linked-from this page will provide context about what accommodations in a university setting look like; how to request accommodations using Ventus; the different types of accommodations that you will be requesting and accessing.

Understanding Accommodations in University

What is an “appropriate” accommodation?

An appropriate academic accommodation in university is a modification or adjustment that will result in an equal opportunity for a student with a disability to attain the same level of performance, or enjoy the same level of benefits and privileges experienced by others, without compromising bona fide academic requirements and standards.

How are my template accommodations determined?

Template accommodations are based on your functional impairments and determined during your intake appointment with your PMC Coordinator. These template accommodations are intended to address the anticipated impact your functional impairments will have on your academic studies. Template accommodations can include adjustments that you require for writing tests/exams or participating in your classes or labs. The accommodation process is dynamic. Your accommodations can be adjusted at any time if there is a change in your disability status or if you have a new disability diagnosis. This is done in consultation with your PMC Coordinator.

Who is responsible for the implementation of academic accommodations at Carleton?

As per the Carleton University’s Academic Accommodation Policy for Students with Disabilities, the responsibility for implementation of accommodations is shared by the key stakeholders in the accommodation process: the students themselves, the Paul Menton Centre (PMC),  course instructors, and Scheduling and Examination Services (SES).

What are my responsibilities in the accommodation process?

As a registered student with the PMC, it is your responsibility to:

  • Request accommodations in Ventus at the beginning of every term.
  • Follow up with your Instructors and Teaching Assistants to discuss how your accommodations are to be implemented at the beginning of every term.
  • Manage your exam accommodations in Ventus from the time you receive a request to confirm participation for a test to the time you write it.
  • If you do not wish to receive accommodations for a test or exam, please cancel your accommodations when confirming your participation or attendance for the test or exam in Ventus.
  • Keep your PMC Coordinator informed of any changes related to your disability and/or courses.
  • Report any problems or discrepancies with your accommodations immediately to your PMC Coordinator.

Before you can request academic accommodations through the Ventus Student Portal you must have already completed the intake and registration process with the Paul Menton Centre. Registration information is available on our Registering with PMC webpage.

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Requesting Academic Accommodations

Once you have completed the PMC registration process you will be ready to request your academic accommodations!

Classroom Accommodations and Services

Prioritizing academic demands is an essential skill for all university students to develop. Post-secondary education requires you to engage in self-directed learning, manage increased academic and competing demands and learn how to juggle priorities at school and beyond. Time management and organization skills are an important part of being an independent learner and successful university student.

Being informed about how your accommodations function and the roles that you, the PMC and your professor(s) each have can help to ensure a smooth start, middle and end to each academic term.

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Exam Accommodations

Exam accommodations are any modifications made to the ways and/or conditions in which tests or exams are being administered and that will allow students with disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without compromising essential learning outcomes and requirements.

Review our steps for requesting and managing your exam accommodations, key deadlines for making requests, how you will receive information about your exam accommodations and more.

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More Information…

More information about using Ventus to request your accommodations is available in our Requesting Academic Accommodations FAQ.

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