As we’re getting closer to cuHacking 2021, we wanted to take some time to get your opinions on online events, hackathons, and online hackathons in general. Below is a survey that shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes to fill out. By filling out the survey, you can gain a chance to win a $25 gift card of your choice (within reason). We value all of your responses, and will factor them into our planning for cuHacking 2021! Link can be found at

In addition to the survey, we’re looking for some new team members to join us in the coming weeks! ❄️ cuHacking is Carleton’s main hackathon (and also Ottawa’s largest MLH event 🎊). Our team consists entirely of student volunteers across various programs at Carleton University.

👩‍💻As a team member, you would be on one of our various teams, working with others to accomplish our event and organization goals. If you’re interested in event planning, digital design, marketing and growth, and crafting meaningful experiences for students across the world, cuHacking is a perfect team to join as a student!

We are looking for students to join the following teams:

🏢 Community (smaller event planning and community activities)
🎨 Design (graphics and illustrations)a
📈 Growth (marketing and organization growth)
🏅 Hacker Experience (main hackathon and challenge planning)

We’re primarily looking for 1st and 2nd year students, in any programs! We have members across almost all faculties at Carleton.

💧Applications close on November 29th! Apply at: If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on our Discord Server ( or on social media @cuhacking