My name is Melissa Carvalho and I am a Research Coordinator with the CHAIM Centre. Our Doctoral student, Ajani Asokumar, in the Department of Neuroscience at Carleton University is working on a research project under the supervision of Dr. Kim Matheson.

We are currently recruiting participants for this project, and I am writing to you today to invite you to share our study “Navigating Sense of Place: Developing Connections After Migration” with the international students in your department. Please note that it is important that the individuals your organization serves understand that participation is completely voluntary and thus, recruitment should not be adapted in a way that would pressure anyone to participate. Following is the email that can be shared with students:

Our study, Navigating Sense of Place: Developing Connections After Migration”, aims to assess the similarities and differences between the connections to where one formerly lived and the connections to where one currently lives to determine the best way to bridge these connections in order to ease transition to a new place.


To be eligible, participants must have moved to Canada in the last 12 months as an international student at a Canadian college or university. Participants must be able to read and understand English and at least 18 years of age.


This is a multi-part study. Participants will be asked to contribute to 5 recorded group discussions (1-1.5 hours) over 6 weeks with the option to participate either in-person at Carleton or online over Zoom. In addition, participants will be required to complete 3 sets of online questionnaires (20-40 minutes each). As a token of appreciation, participants will receive a $10 electronic gift card per meeting.


There may be some discomfort or anxiety experienced when responding to some questions of a sensitive nature. In the event that any negative feelings arise during this survey, we have provided participants with free support resources that they can access (e.g., help lines).


If you are interested in participating in this survey or if you have any questions, please contact the lead researcher at


The ethics protocol for this project was reviewed by Carleton University Research Ethics Board-B, which provided clearance to carry out the research (Clearance #116648). If you have any ethical concerns with the study, please contact the Carleton University Research Ethics Board-B (by phone at 613-520-2600 ext. 4085 or via email at During Covid, the Research Ethics Staff are working from home without access to their Carleton phone extensions. Accordingly, until staff return to campus, please contact them by email.


 Thank you,

Melissa Carvalho

Research Coordinator

The CHAIM Centre

Promotional poster: Navigating Sense of Place_e (pdf)