HCIN 5909 - Scheduling an HCIN Thesis Defence This form is to be completed by the thesis supervisor. This form must be submitted 3 weeks before the defence is to take place. Candidate's name:* First Last Title of thesis:* Committee MembersThe thesis supervisor is responsible for CONTACTING and CONFIRMING the committee members. Supervisor's information:* First name Last name Supervisor's email:* Second Supervisor's information (if applicable): First name Last name Email Third Supervisor's information (if applicable): First name Last name Email The internal member should be an HCI faculty member from the supervisor's unit. Internal Member's information:* First name Last name Email The external member should be an HCI faculty member from another unit. External Member's information:* First name Last name Email Chair of Defence's information:* First name Last name Email Defence SchedulingThe thesis supervisor is responsible for confirming that all members are available for this date/time. Date of defence:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of defence:* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Defence location:* In-person Virtual (Zoom) Virtual (Zoom):* I will set up the Zoom session and will provide the Zoom information to the Grad Advisor I would like a Grad Advisor to set up the Zoom session Please note that the Grad Advisor will send a confirming email to the entire committee with the defence details. Δ Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: https://carleton.ca/scs/?p=15812