The Board met in person on October 4, 2022.  Minutes from the meeting will be posted on the Board of Governors website once available. The following are the highlights from the meeting:

Audited Financial Statements & Findings Report Approved

The 2021-22 consolidated financial statements which were audited by our external auditors KPMG LLP and the audit findings report were approved by the Board. The audit report was issued without qualification, and the related findings report explains the audit process, pinpoints risk results and highlights internal control observations. The report indicated there were no significant changes or differences requiring adjustment and the statements were presented fairly, in all materials respects.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic) Term Extended

The Executive Committee of the Board of Governors has approved the extension of Jerry Tomberlin’s mandate as Provost and Vice-President (Academic) for an additional, final year until June 30, 2024.

Since entering the position in 2017, Jerry has remarkably fulfilled his role as Provost, serving the Carleton community through very challenging circumstances. Notably, he revitalized the Provost portfolio, renewed a strong Decanal team, ensured continued academic excellence through the ongoing pandemic, skillfully led the development of the annual operating budgets in a very challenging fiscal context, steered a number of successful collective agreement renewals, and played an important role in the development and implementation of Carleton’s Strategic Integrated Plan, Kinàmàgawin Indigenous Initiatives Strategy, and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.

Senate Annual Report

Clerk of Senate Elinor Sloan presented Senate’s Annual Report to the Board of Governors. Read the report and learn about the Senate’s work to approve a mixed delivery model of learning for both the winter and spring terms, introduce compassionate grading options, and more.

President’s Report

President Bacon provided an update on recent activities and accomplishments that have taken place at Carleton since the June Board meeting. Read the full President’s Report.

Governor Spotlight: Greg Farrell, Board Chair

Greg Farrell, CPA, CA, joined the Carleton Board of Governors in 2017, and served as Vice-Chair for a two-year term before becoming Chair of the Board of Governors on July 1, 2022. Greg Farrell served as the President and Chief Operating Officer of Giant Tiger Stores Limited until his retirement and remains a member of the Giant Tiger Board of Directors. Learn more about Greg.

Next Meeting: Dec. 6, 2022

The next meeting of the 2022/2023 Board year is scheduled for December 6, 2022. Open session meeting materials are posted one week in advance of each meeting. More information on items approved, as well as minutes from previous meetings, can be found on the Board of Governors website.


Greg Farrell, CPA, CA

Chair, Carleton University Board of Governors