Susan Phillips

Professor, (Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership) — comparative public policy for the third sector; philanthropy and nonprofits; public management
- Email Susan Phillips
- 613-520-2600 ext 2633
BA Honours in Geography (University of Victoria)
MA in Geography (University of Waterloo)
MA in Political Science (Carleton University)
PhD in Political Science (Carleton University)
Susan’s research focuses on public policy and regulation of philanthropy and the nonprofit sector, financing of charities and nonprofits, cross-sectoral collaboration, community foundations and place-based philanthropy.
Philanthropy is the exercise of citizenship – how people engage in and with their communities. Philanthropy complements the work of governments and is an essential means of building inclusive, resilient communities. Nonprofits provide a wide range of services that our society depends upon; they enable citizens, as volunteers and members, to engage with each other; and they serve as advocates for social change. As many Canadians work in the nonprofit sector as in natural resources. I am driven to better understand how this diverse sector operates and how it promotes positive social change, the changing patterns of financing, giving and volunteering, and how public policy can better enable its work. As the public, private and nonprofit sectors collaborate and co-produce in new ways, my research seeks to examine the opportunities and challenges this creates.
- Visiting Fellow, Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia; Visiting Ian Potter Foundation Scholar, 2016 (2020)
- Institute of Public Administration of Canada, J. E. Hodgetts Award for Best Paper published in Canadian Public Administration in 2018 (also for Susan D. Phillips, Brian R. Little and Laura A. Goodine. 1997. Reconsidering Gender and Public Administration: Five Steps Beyond Conventional Research, Canadian Public Administration, 40 (4): 563-81.) (2019)
- Distinguished Research Career Recognition, Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration (CAPPA) (2019)
- J.E. Hodgetts Award for Best Paper published in Canadian Public Administration in 2018, Institute of Public Administration of Canada (2019)
- Distinguished Service Award for Contributions and Leadership in Research and Practice of Nonprofits and Social Economy, Canadian Association for Research in Nonprofits and Social Economy (ANSER-ARES) (2016)
- Associate, Centre for the Study of Philanthropy and Public Good, University of St. Andrews, Scotland (2016)
- Impact Award, Carleton University, for ‘outstanding contributions that entail mobilizing one’s teaching, research, and administrative skills to play a notable role in building on institutional strengths and connections to make a difference (2015)
- Williamson, Alexandra, et al. Philanthropic Response to Disasters: Gifts, Givers and Consequences. Policy Press, an Imprint of University of Bristol Press, 2023.
- Phillips, Susan D., and Bob Wyatt. Intersections and Innovations: Change for Canada’s Voluntary and Nonprofit Sector. The Muttart Foundation, 2021.
- Tobias Jung, Susan D. Phillips and Jenny Harrow. 2016. Routledge Companion to Philanthropy. London: Routledge.
- Susan D. Phillips and Steven Rathgeb Smith. 2011. Governance and Regulation in the Third Sector: International Perspectives. London: Routledge.
- Brian R. Little, Katarina Salmela-Aro and Susan D. Phillips. 2007. Personal Project Pursuit: Goals, Action and Human Flourishing. New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Caroline Andrew, Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips. 2003. Urban Affairs: Back on the Policy Agenda. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips. 1998. Citizen Engagement: Lessons in Participation from Local Government. Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada. (ISBN: 0920715788)
- Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips with Allan M. Maslove. 1998. Urban Governance in Canada: Representation, Resources and Restructuring. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Canada.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1995. How Ottawa Spends 1995-96: Mid-Life Crises. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1994. How Ottawa Spends 1994-95: Making Change. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1993. How Ottawa Spends 1993-94: A More Democratic Canada . . .? Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
- Christopher N. Dougherty and Susan D. Phillips. 2023. Under the Influence: The Celebrity Factor in Policy Capture: Regulation & Governance, Online First. 8 March.
- Susan D. Phillips, Chao Guo and Angela Bies. 2023. NVSQ: The First Fifty Years and Beyond. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50th Anniversary Special Issue, 52(1 Supp): 12S-28S.
- Lisa Halpern, Susan D. Phillips and Nathan Grasse. 2022. Nonprofit Long-term Care in Ontario: How Financially Robust is the System? Special Issue, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques, 48(S2): 64-80. 3 citations.
- D. Phillips, Susan, Katherine Dalziel, and Keith Sjogren. “Donor Advised Funds in Canada, Australia and the US: Differing Regulatory Regimes, Differing Streams of Policy Drift.” Nonprofit policy forum (March 2021)
- Phillips, Susan D. “Putting Humpty Together Again: How Reputation Regulation Fails the Charitable Sector.” Nonprofit policy forum. 10(4): 1-11 (November 2019)
- Phillips, Susan D, and Bernadette Johnson. “Inching to Impact: The Demand Side of Social Impact Investing.” Journal of business ethics. 168(3): 615-629 (June 2021)
- Phillips, Susan D. “Dancing with Giraffes: Why Philanthropy Matters for Public Management.” Canadian public administration 61(2): 151-183 (June 2018) DOI:
- Steven Rathgeb Smith and Susan D. Phillips. “Leadership in Human Services: Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities, Society and Welfare” (Hevra Urevaha), spring.
- Susan D. Phillips, Ian Bird, Laurel Carlton and Lee Rose. “Knowledge as Leadership, Belonging as Community: How Canadian Community Foundations Are Using Vital Signs for Social Change.” The Foundation Review 8(3): p.66 (September 2016)
- Steven Rathgeb Smith and Susan D. Phillips “The Changing and Challenging Environment of Nonprofit Human Services: Implications for Governance and Program Implementation.” Nonprofit policy forum 7(1): 63-79 (August 2015)
- Susan D. Phillips and Steven Rathgeb Smith. “A Dawn of Convergence?: Third Sector Policy Regimes in the ‘Anglo-Saxon’ Cluster.” Public management review 16(8): 1141-1163 (November 2014)
- Susan D. Phillips. “Shining Light on Charities or Looking in the Wrong Place? Regulation-by-Transparency in Canada.” Voluntas (Manchester, England) 24(3): 881-905 (September 2013)
- Tobias Jung, Jenny Harrow and Susan D. Phillips. “Developing a Better Understanding of Community Foundations in the UK’s Localisms.” Policy and politics 42(3) 409–427 (July 2013)
- Susan D. Phillips. “Dual Restructuring: Civil Society and the Welfare State in Canada, 1985-2005.” British journal of Canadian studies 25(2) 161–180 (January 2012)
- Susan D. Phillips. “Canadian Leapfrog: From Regulating Charitable Fundraising to Co-Regulating Good Governance.” Voluntas (Manchester, England) 23(3) 808–829 (September 2012):
- Susan Phillips, and Michael Lenczner. “From Stories to Evidence: How Mining Data Can Promote Innovation in the Nonprofit Sector.” Technology innovation management review 2(7) 10–15 (July 2012)
- Susan D. Phillips and Tessa Hebb. “Financing the Third Sector: Introduction.” Policy and Society 29(3) 181–187 (2010)
- Susan D. Phillips, Rachel Laforest and Andrew Graham. “From Shopping to Social Innovation: Getting Public Financing Right in Canada.” Policy & society 29(3) 189-199 (2010)
- Susan D. Phillips. “Canada: Civil Society Under Neglect” The Philanthropist, 23(1) 65-73 (February 2010)
- Susan D. Phillips and Karine Levasseur. “Square Pegs in Round Hole: Vertical and Horizontal Accountability in Voluntary Sector Contracting.” Philanthropist 19(3) p.211 (July 2005)
- Susan D. Phillips and Karine Levasseur. “The Snakes and Ladders of Accountability: Contradictions Between Contracting and Collaboration for Canada’s Voluntary Sector.” Canadian public administration 47(4) 452-474 (December 2004)
- Susan D. Phillips. “The Limits of Horizontal Governance: Voluntary Sector – Government Collaboration in Canada” Society and Economy 26(2-3) 393.415 (December 2004)
- Rachel Laforest and Susan D. Phillips. “Repenser Les Relations Entre Gouvernement et Secteur Bénévole: À La Croisée Des Chemins Au Québec et Au Canada.” Politique et sociétés (Montréal) 20(2-3) 37-68 (2001).
- Susan D. Phillips. “More than Stakeholders: Reforming State – Voluntary Sector Relations” Journal of Canadian Studies 35(4) 182-201 (2001).
- Katherine A. Graham, Allan M. Maslove and Susan D. Phillips. “Learning from Experience? Ottawa as a Cautionary Tale of Reforming Urban Government.” Journal of comparative policy analysis 3(3) 251-269 (November 2001).
- Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips. “The Making of Megacity: The Political Economy and Restructuring of the Greater Toronto Area” Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 18(2): 138-57 (1998)
- Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips. “Who Does What in Ontario: Disentangling Provincial-Municipal Relations” Canadian Public Administration, 41(2) 175-209 (June 1998)
- Jane Jenson and Susan D. Phillips. “Il cambiamento di regime di cittadinanza in Canada” Inchiesta, XXVII (aprile-giugno): 27-36 (1998)
- Susan D. Phillips, Brian R. Little and Laura A. Goodine. “Reconsidering Gender and Public Administration: Five Steps Beyond Conventional Research” Canadian Public Administration 40(4) 563-81 (December 1997)
- Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips. “Citizen Engagement: Beyond the Customer Revolution” Canadian Public Administration, 50th anniversary issue, 40(2): 255-73 (June 1997)
- Jane Jenson and Susan D. Phillips. “Regime Shift: New Citizenship Practices in Canada” International Journal of Canadian Studies Ed. 14: 111-136 (1997)
- Jane Jenson and Susan D. Phillips. “Staatsbürgerschaftsregime im Wandel – oder: Die Gleichberechtigung wird zu Markte getragen. Das Beispiel Kanada” Prokla 105, 26(4): 515-42. Translated from English. (1996)
- Susan D. Phillips. “Of Public Interest Groups and Sceptics: A Realist’s Reply to Stanbury” Canadian Public Administration 36(4): 606-16 (December 1993)
- Susan D. Phillips. “Meaning and Structure in Social Movements: Mapping the Network of National Canadian Women’s Organizations” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 24(4): 755-82 (December 1992)
- W. R. D. Sewell and Susan D. Phillips. “Models for the Evaluation of Public Participation Programmes” Natural Resources Journal 19(2): 337-58 (April 1979)
- Susan D. Phillips. In press. Place-based Philanthropy. In Kevin Kearns and Wen-Jiun Wang (eds.), Encyclopedia of Nonprofit Management, Leadership, and Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Susan D. Phillips and Kristen Pue. 2023. Doing Good Better: Public Policy for Disaster Philanthropy. In Alexandra Williamson, Diana Leat and Susan D. Phillips (eds.) Philanthropic Response to Disasters: Gifts, Givers and Consequences. Bristol: Policy Press, 133-164.
- Diana Leat, Susan D. Phillips and Alexandra Williamson. 2023. Introduction. In Alexandra Williamson, Diana Leat and Susan D. Phillips (eds.) Philanthropic Response to Disasters Gifts, Givers and Consequences. Bristol: Policy Press, 1-26.
- Alexandra Williamson, Diana Leat and Susan D. Phillips. 2023. Conclusions and Looking Forward. In Alexandra Williamson, Diana Leat and Susan D. Phillips (eds.) Philanthropic Response to Disasters: Gifts, Givers and Consequences. Bristol: Policy Press, 213-223.
- Susan D. Phillips, Christopher Dougherty and Cathy Barr. 2021. The Fine Balance of Nonprofit Sector Self-Regulation: Assessing Canada’s Standards Program. In Susan D. Phillips and Bob Wyatt (eds.), Intersections and Innovations: Change for Canada’s Voluntary and Nonprofit Sector. Edmonton: Muttart Foundation.
- Kevin McCort and Susan D. Phillips. 2021. Community Foundations in Canada: Survive, or Thrive? (With Apologies to Lawn Bowlers). In Susan D. Phillips and Bob Wyatt (eds.), Intersections and Innovations: Change for Canada’s Voluntary and Nonprofit Sector. Edmonton: Muttart Foundation.
- Susan D. Phillips and Bob Wyatt. 2021. Introduction: Intersections and Innovations: Change for Canada’s Voluntary and Nonprofit Sector. In Susan D. Phillips and Bob Wyatt (eds.), Intersections and Innovations: Change for Canada’s Voluntary and Nonprofit Sector. Edmonton: Muttart Foundation.
- Susan D. Phillips and Robyn Hoogendam. 2021. Philanthropic Foundations in Community Benefit Agreements: Vital Partners or Third Wheels? In Jurian Edelenbos, Astrid Molenveld and Ingmar van Meerkerk (eds.), Civic Engagement, Community-based Initiatives and Governance Capacity: An International Perspective. London: Routledge, 84-112.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2020. Chapter 2 – The Management Context: UK, US, Australia and Canada. In Helmut Anheier and Stefan Toepler (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management. London: Routledge.
- Susan D. Phillips and Victoria Carlan. 2018. On Impact: Emerging Challenges of Evaluation for Canada’s Nonprofit Sector. in Keith E. Seel (ed.), The Management of Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations in Canada 4th ed. Toronto: LexisNexis, 345-379.
- Rachel Laforest and Susan D. Phillips. 2018. Inputs to Outputs: Redesign of the Canadian Citizenship Regime, in Mireille Paquet, Nora Nagels and Aude-Claire Fourot (eds.), Citizenship as a Regime: Canadian and International Perspectives. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips and Mark Blumberg. 2016. International Trends in Government-Nonprofit Relations: Constancy, Change and Contradictions, in Elizabeth Boris and Eugene Steuerle (eds.) Nonprofits and Government: Collaboration and Conflict 3rd ed. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.
- Susan D. Phillips and Tobias Jung. 2016. A New ‘New’ Philanthropy: From Impetus to Impact. in Tobias Jung, Susan D. Phillips and Jenny Harrow (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philanthropy. London, UK: Routledge.
- Susan D. Phillips and Tobias Jung. 2016. Conclusion: The ‘Ubers’ of Philanthropy, Future Disruptions. in Tobias Jung, Susan D. Phillips and Jenny Harrow (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philanthropy. London, UK: Routledge.
- Susan D. Phillips and Steven Rathgeb Smith. 2016. Public Policy for Philanthropy: Catching the Wave or Creating a Backwater? in Tobias Jung, Susan D. Phillips and Jenny Harrow (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philanthropy. London, UK: Routledge.
- Jenny Harrow, Tobias Jung and Susan D. Phillips. 2016. Community Foundations: Agility in the Duality of Foundation and Community. in Tobias Jung, Susan D. Phillips and Jenny Harrow (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philanthropy. London, UK: Routledge.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2016. Introduction: Funding Regimes for a New Era. in Peter R. Elson (ed.), Funding Policies and the Nonprofit Sector in Western Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2014. Preparing for Impact: Accountability and Performance in Canada’s Third Sector. in Keith E. Seel (ed.), The Management of Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations in Canada 3rd ed. Toronto: LexisNexis.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2013. Restructuring Civil Society in Canada, Muting the Politics of Redistribution. in Keith G. Banting and John Myles (eds.), The Fading of Redistributive Politics: Policy Change and Policy Drift in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Jenny Harrow and Susan D. Phillips. 2013. Corporate Governance and Nonprofits: Facing up to Hybridisation and Homogenisation, in Mike Wright, Donald S. Siegel, Kevin Keasey, and Igor Filatotchev (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2012. The New Citizenship and Governance: Alternative Intersections, in David Levi-Faur (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Cosmo Howard and Susan D. Phillips. 2012. Moving Away from Hierarchy: Do Horizontality, Partnerships and Distributed Governance Really Signify the End of Accountability? in Heman Bakvis and Mark Jarvis (eds.), ‘New Public Management’ to ‘New Political Governance:’ Essays in Honour of Peter C. Aucoin. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips and Steven Rathgeb Smith. 2011. Between Governance and Regulation: Evolving Government-Third Sector Relationships, in Susan D. Phillips and Steven Rathgeb Smith (eds.), Governance and Regulation in the Third Sector: International Perspectives. London: Routledge.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2011. Incrementalism at its Best, and Worst: Regulatory Reform and Relational Governance in Canada. in Susan D. Phillips and Steven Rathgeb Smith, (eds.), Governance and Regulation in the Third Sector: International Perspectives. London: Routledge.
- Susan D. Phillips and Tatyana Teplova. 2009. From Control to Learning: Performance Assessment in the Voluntary Sector, in Victor Murray (ed.), The Management of Non-Profit and Voluntary Organizations in Canada 2nd ed. Toronto: Butterworths. 1st ed 2006.
- Susan D. Phillips . 2009. Canada’s ‘New Government’ and the Voluntary Sector: Whither a Policy Agenda. in Rachel Laforest, (ed.), The New Federal Policy Agenda and the Voluntary Sector. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2009. ‘You Say you want an Evolution?’ From Citizen to Community Engagement in Canadian Cities. in John Martin and Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (eds.), Local Government in a Global World: Australia and Canada in Comparative Perspective. Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada.
- Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips. 2007. Another Fine Balance: Managing Diversity in Canadian Cities. in Keith G. Banting, Thomas J. Courchene and F. Leslie Seidle (eds.), Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy. 37 citations.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2007. Policy Analysis and the Voluntary Sector: Evolving Policy Styles, in Laurent Dobuzinskis, Michael Howlett, David Laycock (eds.), Policy Analysis in Canada: The State of the Art. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2006. Balancing Acts: Multi-Level Regulation of Canada’s Voluntary Sector. in G. Bruce Doern (ed.), Rules, Rules, Rules: Multi-Level Governance in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Rachel Laforest and Susan D. Phillips. 2006. Citizen Engagement: Rewiring the Policy Process. in Michael Orsini and Miriam Smith (eds.), Critical Public Policy. Vancouver: UBC Press. 32 citations.
- Adam M. Grant, Brian R. Little and Susan D. Phillips. 2007. Personal Projects and Organizational Lives. in Brian R. Little, Katarina Salmela-Aro and Susan D. Phillips (eds.), Personal Project Pursuit: Goals, Action and Human Flourishing. New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2004. Interest Groups, Social Movements and the Voluntary Sector: En Route to Reducing the Democratic Deficit. in James P. Bickerton and Alain-G. Gagnon (eds.), Canadian Politics, 4th ed. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2003. In Accordance: Canada’s Federal Government – Voluntary Sector Accord from Idea to Implementation. in Kathy L. Brock (ed.), Delicate Dances: Public Policy and the Nonprofit Sector. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2003. Voluntary Sector – Government Relationships in Transition: Learning from International Experience. in Kathy Brock and Keith G. Banting, (eds.), The NonProfit Sector in Interesting Times: Case Studies in a Changing Sector. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 45 citations.
- Jane Jenson, Rianne Mahon and Susan D. Phillips. 2003. No Minor Matter: The Political Economy of Childcare in Canada. in Wallace Clement and Leah Vosko (eds.), Changing Canada: Political Economy as Transformation. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Jane Jenson and Susan D. Phillips. 2002. Redesigning the Canadian Citizenship Regime: Remaking the Institutions of Representation. in Colin Crouch, Klaus Eder and DamianTambini (eds.), Citizenship, Markets and the State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 57 citations.
- Rianne Mahon and Susan D. Phillips. 2002. Dual Earner Families Caught in a Liberal Welfare Regime? The Politics of Child Care Policy in Canada. in Rianne Mahon and Sondra Michel (eds.), Gender and Welfare State Restructuring: Through the Lens of Child Care. New York, NY: Routledge. 38 citations.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2002. Political Strategies of the Canadian Women’s Movement: Who’s Speaking? Who’s Listening? in Radha Jhappan (ed.), Women’s Legal Strategies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 2001. From Charity to Clarity: Reinventing Federal Government – Voluntary Sector Relationships. in Leslie A. Pal (ed.), How Ottawa Spends 2000-2001. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2001. Reprinted in The Philanthropist, fall 2001.38 citations.
- Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips. 2000. Hand-in-Hand: When Accountability Meets Collaboration in the Voluntary Sector. in Keith Banting (ed.), The Not-for-Profit Sector in Canada: Roles and Relationships. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 41 citations.
- Jane Jenson and Susan D. Phillips. 2000. Distinctive Trajectories: Homecare and the Voluntary Sector in Quebec and Ontario. in Keith Banting (ed.), The Not-for-Profit Sector in Canada: Roles and Relationships. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1999. Social Movements in Canadian Politics: Past Their Apex? in Alain-G. Gagnon and James P. Bickerton (eds.), Canadian Politics 3rd ed. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press.
- Jane Jenson and Susan D. Phillips. 1999. From Stability to Change in the Canadian Citizenship Regime. in S. Garcia and S. Lukes, (eds.), The Quality of Citizenship: Social Inclusion versus Multiculturalism. Spain: Editorial Siglio XXI.
- Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips. 1998. Making Public Participation More Effective: Issues for Local Government.” In Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips (eds.), Citizen Engagement: Lessons in Participation from Local Government. Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada.
- Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips. 1998. Conclusion: From Public Participation to Citizen Engagement. in Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips (eds.), Citizen Engagement: Lessons in Participation from Local Government. Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada.
- Katherine A. Graham and Susan D. Phillips. 1998. Emerging Solitudes: The New Era in Provincial-Municipal Relations. in Hugh Mellon and M. W. Westmacott (eds.), Public Administration and Policy: Governing in Challenging Times. Toronto, ON: Prentice Hall Canada.
- Susan D. Phillips and Sandra Bach. 1997. Constructing a New Social Union: Child Care Beyond Infancy? in G. Swimmer, (ed.), How Ottawa Spends 1997-98: Seeing Red. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1996. Discourse, Identity and Voice: Feminist Contributions to Policy Studies. in Laurent Dobuzinskis, Michael Howlett and David Laycock (eds.), Policy Studies in Canada: The State of the Art. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1995. The Canada Health and Social Transfer: Fiscal Federalism in Search of a Vision. in Jonathan Rose and Douglas Brown (eds.), Canada: The State of the Federation 1995. Kingston, ON: School of Policy Studies.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1995. Competing, Connecting and Complementing: Parties, Interest Groups and New Social Movements. in A. Brian Tanguay and A-G. Gagnon (eds.), Canadian Parties in Transition 2nd ed. Scarborough, ON: Nelson Canada.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1995. The Liberals’ Mid-Life Crises: Aspirations versus Achievements.” in Susan D. Phillips (ed.), How Ottawa Spends 1995-96: Mid-Life Crises. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips.1994. New Social Movements in Canadian Politics: On Fighting and Starting Fires. in James P. Bickerton and Alain-G. Gagnon (eds.), Canadian Politics: An Introduction to the Discipline 2nd ed. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1994. Making Change: Innovation under the Liberals. in Susan D. Phillips (ed.), How Ottawa Spends 1994-95: Making Change. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1993. A More Democratic Canada . . .? in Susan D. Phillips (ed.), How Ottawa Spends 1993-94: A More Democratic Canada . . .? Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1992. New Social Movements and Unequal Representation: The Challenge of Influencing Public Policy. in Alain-G. Gagnon and A. Brian Tanguay (eds.), Democracy with Justice: Essays in Honour of Khayyam Z. Paltiel. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1991. How Ottawa Blends: Shifting Government Relationships with Interest Groups. in Frances Abele (ed.), How Ottawa Spends: The Politics of Fragmentation. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. 45 citations.
- Susan D. Phillips. 1989. Rock-a-Bye Brian: The National Strategy on Childcare. In Katherine A. Graham (ed.), How Ottawa Spends 1989-90: The Buck Stops Where? Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
Videos & Media Coverage
- Philanthropy in a Global Context: Trends to Watch (Jun 2023)
- Carleton University Research Helps Convince Ottawa to Support Black Communities in Federal Budget (Carleton Newsroom, Apr 2021)
- Charities and non-profits in trouble seek federal support. (CBC, Apr 2021)
- Pandemic has hit Make-A-Wish hard but it’s adapted to continue helping sick children (CBC, May 2021)
- Jackson Family Scholarship in Community Engagment (FPA News, Feb 2021)
- Lack of Collaboration Slows Vaccine Research (FPA News, Jan 2021)
- Good News for Humboldt: How a $15 Million Crowdfunder Turned Nasty & Got Quickly Resolved (PANL Perspectives, Nov 2020)
- “Greta Effect” Drives Interest in Social Justice. (The Toronto Star, Oct 2020)
- WE scandal an opportunity to update policy for charities. (The Toronto Star, Sep 2020)
- FPA Researchers Win COVID-19 Research Grants (FPA News, Jun 2020)
- “Smart Philanthropy” Requires New Ways of Attracting Doners (Carleton Newsroom, Mar 2019)
- The Business of Philanthropy’: Ottawa’s nonprofit sector embraces professionalization (Ottawa Business Journal, Jan 2019)
- Renowned Journals Set Up Shot at School of Public Policy and Administration (FPA News, Jun 2016)
- Should we be impressed by Mark Zuckerberg’s big donation? (Maclean’s, Dec 2015)
- FPA Faculty Win Carleton University Research Prizes (FPA News, Oct 2015)

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