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Talks On Sustainable Energy In Practice

Sustainable energy is a fast paced and quickly evolving area of policy and technology. Our Sustainable Energy Lecture Series engages students in the world of practice to build their awareness of the multiple stakeholders and policy concerns involved in transitioning our societies away from fossil fuels. Each year experts and leaders working in this area are invited to present to our students, faculty and broader community. These lectures are an essential part of the program and give our students a leg up in understanding the challenges and opportunities of sustainability transitions.

For a full archive of the previous lectures, click here.

Notable previous talks:

Dalton McGuinty: Climate Change: Can we win this? Be Honest

Dr. Peter Tsantrizos: Enabling the Total Resource Utilization (TRU) Habitat

Brock Carlton: Cities Leading the Way: Climate leadership through municipal governments, infrastructure and energy efficiency

Sonja Klinsky: Integrating Justice with Climate Policy: Some Challenges and Lessons Learned

Dr. Michael Ross: Challenges and Research in Northern & Remote Electric Power Systems

Joanna Dafoe: International Climate Litigation: New Opportunities for Action in Climate Law

Dr. Joan Haysom: Are there Low Carbon Energy Pathways that Add-up to Achieve 80% GHG Reductions for Ottawa?