1. 5 Easy Steps for Requesting Academic Accommodations
    1. STEP 1: Login
    2. STEP 2: Review
    3. STEP 3: Select
    4. STEP 4: Meet with Professor(s)
    5. STEP 5: Contact
  2. FAQ

Academic accommodations can only be requested through the Ventus if you have already completed the intake and registration process with the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC.

Visit the PMC’s Registering with PMC webpage if you have not completed the registration process.

5 Easy Steps for Requesting Academic Accommodations

STEP 1: Login

Login to Ventus Student Portal using your MC1 credentials.

STEP 2: Review

Before you select accommodations in Ventus, review the evaluation requirements (e.g. test, exams, assignments, presentations, group work, class attendance etc.) for each course so that you are ONLY requesting accommodations that are actually needed.

STEP 3: Select

Select exam and/or teaching accommodations from your list of template accommodations for each course at the beginning of every term or at least 14 calendar days before a test or exam in the course.

  • Some accommodations are self-serve and are pre-approved while other are pending and require approval from your PMC Coordinator.
  • Once you have made your selections, your approved accommodations for a course will show up in your professor’s Ventus Faculty Portal.
  • You also have the option to opt-out of accommodations for a course.

If you require technical assistance with requesting accommodations in Ventus, see Student Module 3 – Accommodation Requests & Letters of Accommodations.

STEP 4: Meet with Professor(s)

Meet with each professor or lab instructor in a confidential space to discuss which of your template accommodations are applicable to the course, and how they will be implemented. You are not required to disclose the nature of your disability in the meeting.

  • Some of your accommodations may not be needed and/or applicable to all of your courses, depending on how each course is taught or evaluated or how much additional materials are provided by the course instructor. E.g. In a course that does not have fixed duration tests or exams, you may not need your usual exam accommodations.
  • If you have in-person or closed-book tests or exams requiring accommodations in a course, your professor will need to submit a Notice(s) of Examination (NoE) through the Ventus Faculty Portal by the deadline established by the McIntyre Examination Centre for the term. 
  • If you have online tests or exams, the professor has the options of applying the extra time in Brightspace on their own or asking MEC to apply it on their behalf.
  • If you need a peer notetaker as part of your services and accommodations, kindly ask your professor to make an announcement in class and/or in Brightspace to recruit a volunteer notetaker.

STEP 5: Contact

Contact your PMC Coordinator if there are any issues with your accommodations at any time during the term.


Check out our FAQ on Requesting Academic Accommodations

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