Art History in Rome
Study Abroad, 12-31 May 2013
ARTH 3000 Rome from Late Antiquity to the Early Renaissance: Architecture, Art, Urbanism
SSAC, Art History, History and Theory of Architecture
This is an intensive off-campus course that combines academic study and onsite investigation of the architecture, art and urbanism of the city of Rome from Late Antiquity to the Early Renaissance.
Students will learn to read Rome’s urban landscape through walking tours, onsite lectures and museum visits to understand how the city’s changing social fabric and political institutions affected its architectural and material development over the course of history. Questions that will be considered throughout the course: how did public architecture and its decoration structure daily life in this ancient city? How did the topographical history of a site affect its later development and usage? How did Rome’s political leaders use urban planning as a means of social control?
Approximate cost, including airfare, accommodation and most meals, is to be determined.
Some financial assistance available.
Information session: Friday ,November 9 at 4:30 p.m., in 412 St. Patrick’s Building.
For more information, contact: