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HTA Field Trips

A great education begins in the classroom, but doesn’t end there. There is a vast range of fascinating historical and contemporary architecture in the Ottawa region, and we make sure that our students get the chance to experience it.

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HTA is given a tour of St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral, a stunning late twentieth-century Byzantine building.
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HTA students gather in the chancel of St. Elias.
Photo Carleton County Gaol
HTA visits the gallows at the Carleton County Gaol. See what happens if you hand in a late assignment?
Photo at the Carleton County Gaol.
HTA on Death Row at the Carleton County Gaol.
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HTA students invade the ‘Diefenbunker’, a massive underground complex designed in the 1950s as a radiation-proof refuge for the Canadian government in the event of a nuclear war.
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HTA students explore the inner chambers of the ‘Diefenbunker’.
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Andrew Waldron leads HTA students on a tour of the former Ottawa city hall, now known as the John G. Diefenbaker building. This was part of a tour of Modern architecture in Ottawa.
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The Modern Ottawa tour visits the National Arts Centre.
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HTA visits the Senate Chamber, as part of a tour of Centre Block on Parliament Hill.
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HTA students tour the Supreme Court of Canada, a blend of Art Deco and Chateau Style architecture where many of the country’s landmark legal rulings are made.
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HTA students gather in front of the French Embassy, one of Canada’s most remarkable Art Deco buildings.

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