CTCA – Panel Discussion
Monday, July 23rd, 2018 at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
- In-person event
- 201D St. Patrick’s Building (Carleton University Art Gallery), Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
The Graduate Steering Committee for the Centre for Transnational Cultural Analysis is pleased to invite you to “Why and How We are Here?: Contemporary African Art at the Venice Biennale,” a panel discussion and presentation by Amarildo Ajasse (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).
This session will examine the display and curation of global contemporary art at mega-exhibitions and biennials. Mr. Ajasse will present on his ongoing dissertation project, “Why and How are We Here?” Presence and Representation of Contemporary Sub-Saharan African Arts at the Venice Biennale from 1990 to 2017.” A Q&A and roundtable discussion will follow, in which we will think through the following questions and issues: What kinds of challenges and opportunities do mega-exhibitions face, and what insights can they provide? Does global contemporary art maintain a Eurocentric bias? How is contemporary multiplicity curated and visualized by artists?
This session organized by the Graduate Steering Committee for the Centre for Transnational Cultural Analysis (CTCA) and the Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture (ICSLAC) at Carleton University. We aim to bolster the Centre’s mandate to bring together scholars and students working with transnational approaches to studies in the humanities through regular, informal workshops, roundtables, film screenings, and discussion groups. Events are free and open to all.