Morgan Currie

Instructor III
- B.A. (Yale University) M.A. (McGill University) Ph.D. (Harvard University)
- Email Morgan Currie
- 613-520-2600 x 6693 ext 6693
As someone guided by a lifelong passion for teaching, the Instructor position is perfect. My duties centre on undergraduate teaching, which meshes nicely with my role as undergraduate supervisor. From orientation through courses in all four levels in Art History and the History and Theory of Architecture, pedagogy and student experience are my main concerns. Had I known such a position existed at the outset of my academic journey, it would have been my goal from the start.
I teach in several areas at Carleton. Each year I offer upper-level courses on aspects of an Early Modern Italian period (Renaissance or Baroque) from art and architectural history perspectives, and at least one general survey. The highlight has probably been designing and teaching ARTH 2107, the first Islamic Art History course at Carleton but it is hard to pick one.
My educational background started with a B.A. in Renaissance Studies from Yale followed by a Diploma in Art History from U.B.C. An M.A in Art History and Communications Studies from McGill and a Ph.D. in the History of Art and Architecture came after intervals. Along the way I’ve taught in classrooms and on sites in Canada, the U.S. and Italy, making the image of the journey a literal one as well.
My primary research areas are seventeenth-century Italian sculpture, Early Modern Discalced Carmelite visual culture and mysticism, and aspects of undergraduate pedagogy. The latter is a natural offshoot of my Instructor position and includes experiential learning in art history, online teaching in visual studies disciplines, and historiography of Italian Baroque architectural history.