Past Thesis Titles
Aylen, Marielle Interfaces of the Portrait: Liminality and Dialogism in Canadian Portraits Between the Wars. Spring l996. (Distinction)
Bagg, Shannon Without carving how would I survive?’ Economic Motivation and its Significance in Contemporary Inuit Art. Spring 1997.
Boutilier, Alicia Mapping Artistic Identity: the Life, Work and Writing of Yvonne McKague Housser. Fall 1998. (Distinction)
Brydon, Sherry, Hiawatha Meets the Gitche Gumee Indians: Representations of Indianness in Pageant Play Dress. Spring l993.
Bradley, Rhonda Making a Place: The life and work of Lucy Jarvis as cultural educator and community catalyst in Atlantic Canada. Spring l997.
Butlin, Susan Making a Living: Florence Carlyle and the Negotiations of a Professional Artistic Identity. Spring l995.
Clarke, Meaghan, (Re)Constructing the Feminine in Canadian Magazines: Mayfair and Saturday Night from the Late l920s to the End of the l950s. Spring l996.
Close, Susan, Framing Identity: Mattie Gunterman, Geraldine Moodie and the Social Practice of Photography in Canada(l880-l920). Spring l995.
Cousineau, Jennifer Ann The Succah: Ritual Dwellings in the Jewish Vernacular Landscape. Spring l997. (Distinction)
Donnelly, Brian Mass Modernism Graphic Design in Canada, l995_l965, and the Changing Definition of Modernism. Winter 1997.
Dyck, Sandra Jayne ‘These Things are our Totems’: Marius Barbeau and the Indigenization of Canadian Art and Culture in the l920s. Spring, l995. (Distinction)
Gibson, Jennifer Christianity, Syncretism, and Inuit Art in Central Canadian Arctic. Spring 1998. (Distinction)
Granger, Lesya The Icon Painting Tradition Among Canadians of Ukrainian Descent. Spring l996.
Greenhorn, Beth An Art Critic at the Ringside: Mapping the Public and Private Lives of Pearl McCarthy. Fall l996. (Distinction)
Halkes-Halim, Petra. Changing Concepts of the Sublime and the Landscape: The Landscape Paintings of Eleanor Bond and Jeffrey Spalding. Spring 1996.
Kunard, Andrea Assembling Images: Interpreting the Nineteenth Century Photographic Album with a Case Study of the Sir Daniel Wilson Album. Fall l996.
Lalonde-Shewan, Christine Cross-Cultural Lines of Inquiry: The Drawings of Pitseolak Ashoona. Spring l995.
Marple, Charity Agents of Change: New Architectural Process in British Columbia First Nation Schools. Spring 1998.
Logan, Cathy Achieving Authority: Voluntarism and Canadian Women at the Art Gallery of Ontario & the Agnes Etherington Art Centre. Spring 1998.
McLeod, Ellen Mary Enterprising Women and The Early History of The Canadian Handicrafts Guild l905-l936″ Spring 1995.
Simao, Cristina Maternal Patriots: The Arts Mandate of the National Council of Women of Canada, 1893-1928 Winter 1999.
Stalmach, Adele Native Women and Work: Changing Representations in Photographs from the Collections of the National Film Board and of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Fall l995.
Waldron, Andrew Irving Grossman, 1954-1964: A Young Architect’s Response Within Modernism Spring 1998.
Wawzonek, Donna Constructions of Home: The Interrelationship Between Gendered Sites and Contemporary Canadian Installation Art. Fall 1997.