The 11th Käte Hamburger Lecture addressed the topic of “Identity and Political Mobilization of Diasporas: A Gendered Perspective“ with Nadje Al-Ali, Professor of Gender Studies, SOAS University of London. It took place on 21st April and was organized by Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research in cooperation with Volkshochschule Duisburg. This event was embedded in a two-day InHouse & Guest Workshop on “Diaspora as Agents of Global Cooperation”. The purpose of the Lecture was to analyse the identity formations and political mobilizations of Muslim diasporas in Europe and beyond through a gendered lens. The lecture started with a welcome remark by Sören Link, Mayor of Duisburg. In his speech he pointed out that the topic of the Lecture was timely and highly relevant for Duisburg where the Centre is located. During the past decades Duisburg has been shaped by different migration waves. Eventually this led to the present diversity in Duisburg and the whole Ruhr area.

Key Note Lecture on Diaspora and Gender