The following organizations and companies have generously provided support for the 9th Meeting of the Canadian Oxidative Stress Consortium and are thanked for their valuable contributions and their sponsorship.
Meeting Sponsor Meeting Exhibitors
Platinum Sponsors
COSC 2014 Carleton University 8th Meeting
CIHR Institute of Cancer Research
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is the Government of Canada’s health research investment agency. Our mission is to create new scientific knowledge and to enable its translation into improved health, more effective health services and products, and a strengthened Canadian health care system. Composed of 13 Institutes, CIHR provides leadership and support to health researchers and trainees across Canada. CIHR is part of the Health Portfolio which supports the Minister of Health in maintaining and improving the health of Canadians. The CIHR Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) funds cancer research in Canada based on internationally accepted standards of excellence, which bear on preventing and treating cancer, and improving the health and quality of life of cancer patients. CIHR is one of the leading cancer research funders in Canada.
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Gold Sponsors
University of Guelph – College of Biological Science
The College of Biological Science (CBS) at University of Guelph is recognized nationally for its diverse & innovative programs, engaged student body and comprehensive research profile. Biological Sciencesat the University of Guelph encompasses strengths in health, molecular and biodiversity sciences, as well as an outstanding team of research scientists and professors, who occupy world class teaching and research facilities. The College of Biological Science has established an international reputation owing to the contributions of it’s over 100 faculty which attract in excess of $14 million per year in external funding. This enables world class research and contributes to an enriched training environment for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
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Society for Redox Biology and Medicine
The Society For Free Radical Biology And Medicine (formerly The Oxygen Society) was established in 1987 in response to a growing recognition of the “dark side” of oxygen as a major issue for the life sciences. The “Oxygen Paradox” tells us that oxygen is both necessary for aerobic life and toxic to all life forms. Free radicals and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species now touch every biological and medical discipline. Efforts to counteract the damage caused by these species are gaining acceptance as a basis for novel therapeutic approaches, and the field of preventive medicine is experiencing an upsurge of interest in medically useful antioxidants and free radical scavengers.The SFRBM has provided support for our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Rafael Radi. We thank the SFRBM for their generous sponsorship from their Outreach Program.
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University of Guelph – Office of Research
The Office of Research oversees a $130 million research enterprise across seven colleges, our regional campus at Ridgetown, 10 research stations and the University of Guelph/Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs partnership. We are committed to supporting the research programs of University of Guelph faculty across all disciplines.From the three founding Colleges: the Ontario Veterinary College (1862), the Ontario Agricultural College (1874) and the MacDonald Institute (1903), the University of Guelph, established in 1964, has grown to be one of Canada’s top comprehensive universities. Dedicated faculty and staff are at work making communities, environment, food and health better.
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Silver Sponsors
CIHR Institute of Genetics

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is the Government of Canada’s health research investment agency. Our mission is to create new scientific knowledge and to enable its translation into improved health, more effective health services and products, and a strengthened Canadian health care system. Composed of 13 Institutes, CIHR provides leadership and support to health researchers and trainees across Canada. CIHR is part of the Health Portfolio which supports the Minister of Health in maintaining and improving the health of Canadians. The CIHR Institute of Genetics (IG) supports research on the human and model genomes and on all aspects of genetics, basic biochemistry and cell biology related to health and disease, including the translation of knowledge into health policy and practice, and the societal implications of genetic discoveries.
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HORIBA Scientific

HORIBA Scientific manufactures the most sensitive, flexible, simple and affordable fluorometers, including the products of Photon Technology International (PTI), for steady state and lifetime, including Modular, expandable open architecture, tabletop systems & ion ratio imaging microscopy solutions and tabletop systems including TCSPC and EEM/UV-VIS and CDOM analysis.
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University of Guelph – Ontario Veterinary College
The University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) places fourth worldwide and tops in Canada in a new global ranking of veterinary schools. As a leading academic, clinical and research institution, OVC is committed to providing excellent facilities to maintain accreditation and a setting for leading edge learning, healthcare, and research.
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Bronze Sponsors
Baker Ruskin
The Ruskinn brand, your trusted source for precise environmental control technologies, has now evolved into Baker Ruskinn, developing solutions for cell biology, stem cell and regenerative medicine, including accurate and stable anaerobic and hypoxia workstations, and precise oxygen regulation in culture media.
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University of Guelph – Molecular & Cellular Biology
The Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology (MCB) provides a stimulating environment to pursue graduate or undergraduate studies in the molecular biosciences. Our 42 faculty members direct research programs that involve multidisciplinary approaches to address novel biological questions at the level of organization of molecules to cells. Research in MCB spans a range of important eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems, and addresses fundamental and applied research problems.
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University of Guelph – Ontario Agricultural College
Established in 1874, the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) is a founding college of the University of Guelph and is Canada’s largest and most renowned agricultural college. OAC is a global leader in education, research and service focusing on agriculture, food, the environment and communities.
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Seahorse Bioscience

Seahorse Bioscience metabolic analyzers and XF stress test kits are the industry standard for measuring cell metabolism, in real-time, in a microplate. XF Extracellular Flux Analyzers simultaneously measure the two major energy pathways of the cell – mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis – providing a full bioenergetic profile. Established in 2001, Seahorse Bioscience is a privately owned company, with headquarters in Billerica, Massachusetts, US, and regional offices in Copenhagen, Denmark and Shanghai, China.
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Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and approximately 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our customers accelerate life sciences research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity.
Through our premier brands – Thermo Scientific, Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Fisher Scientific and Unity Lab Services – we offer an unmatched combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and comprehensive support.
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University of Guelph – Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (OGPS) is dedicated to service excellence in all of its activities, partnering with departments to: maintain academic standards and the integrity of graduate programs; attract and admit high quality students and assist graduate students with the successful completion of their academic studies.
Baker Ruskin
The Ruskinn brand, your trusted source for precise environmental control technologies, has now evolved into Baker Ruskinn, developing solutions for cell biology, stem cell and regenerative medicine, including accurate and stable anaerobic and hypoxia workstations, and precise oxygen regulation in culture media.
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HORIBA Scientific

HORIBA Scientific manufactures the most sensitive, flexible, simple and affordable fluorometers, including the products of Photon Technology International (PTI), for steady state and lifetime, including Modular, expandable open architecture, tabletop systems & ion ratio imaging microscopy solutions and tabletop systems including TCSPC and EEM/UV-VIS and CDOM analysis.
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Seahorse Bioscience

Seahorse Bioscience metabolic analyzers and XF stress test kits are the industry standard for measuring cell metabolism, in real-time, in a microplate. XF Extracellular Flux Analyzers simultaneously measure the two major energy pathways of the cell – mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis – providing a full bioenergetic profile. Established in 2001, Seahorse Bioscience is a privately owned company, with headquarters in Billerica, Massachusetts, US, and regional offices in Copenhagen, Denmark and Shanghai, China.
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Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and approximately 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our customers accelerate life sciences research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity.
Through our premier brands – Thermo Scientific, Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Fisher Scientific and Unity Lab Services – we offer an unmatched combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and comprehensive support.
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