Philippe Campeau
Phone: | 514-345-4931 x 7146 |
Email: | p.campeau@umontreal.ca |
Office: | Department of Pediatrics, University of Montreal and Sainte-Justine Hospital |
Website: | Browse |
Research: Dr Campeau studies neurological diseases caused by mutations in TBC1D24. Mutations in this gene cause epilepsy and mitochondrial dysfunction. TBC1D24 and OXR1 (Oxidation Resistance 1) both have a TLDc domain (TBC (Tre2/Bub2/Cdc16), Lysin motif (LysM), Domain catalytic) which seems important for resistance to oxidative stress, although the precise mechanism remains to be uncovered. His labs aims to better understand the function of TBC1D24 notably by dissecting the possible role of the TLDc domain in the response to reactive oxygen species.