New Students
If you are a “new” student to Carleton you may want to stop by the office C562 Loeb. or make an in-person advising appointment with our office. If you are a “new transfer” student you should contact our office immediately upon receipt of your acceptance, this should be done before the registration period begins. All students should consult with our office if you do not understand the statement written in the Carleton Calendar or on your academic audit about the MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CCJ ELECTIVES ALLOWED! – call 613-520-2588 or 613-520-2600 ext. 3767!
Also, check with the Institute if you are thinking of switching from between a BA Honours to BA General degree. There are slightly different requirements including fewer CCJ Electives allowed at the General level. We want to ensure that you meet degree requirements or don’t exceed the maximum number of CCJ Electives; both of which could jeopardize your graduation.