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1 Hour to Success

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1 Hour to Success is a weekly lunchtime forum to connect you, Faculty of Public Affairs Students, to services on the Carleton Campus. You can come see us every week for sessions with services on campus or academic advising with an advisor from the Student Academic Success Centre (SASC). See what a difference one hour can make!

Where? Loeb Lounge (2nd Floor Loeb Building).
When? On the following Wednesdays, from 12 noon to 1 p.m.:

October 1: Campus Connections
October 8: SASC Advising
October 15: Midterm Prep
October 22: SASC Advising
November 5: The Online Job Hunt
November 12: SASC Advising
November 19: Balancing Work and School
November 26: SASC Advising
December 3: The Importance of Self Care During Exams