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Addiction Recovery: Overcoming stigma and celebrating success

Economic Club of Canada Logo

Substance abuse affects millions of Canadians, whether directly or indirectly. It costs our society billions of dollars per year. It causes harms to individuals, families and communities. It is a matter worthy of public discussion, policy debate, and political action.

The good news is that substance abuse is preventable and treatable, and recovery is a reality for many. This means that, with the right treatments and supports, Canadians who suffer from this brain disorder can move beyond addiction and take back their place in their family, at their workplace, and within their community. But in order for this to happen, as a society we need to move beyond the stigma that currently exists around alcohol and drug abuse.

The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse is proud to bring to the Economic Club four noteworthy Canadians to enhance our collective understanding of substance use disorders – including the scientific research angle, as well as personal journeys from addiction to recovery.

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014
11:30am-1:30pm – Lunch will be served
The Westin Ottawa – 11 Colonel By Drive

Guest Pricing:
Individual: $110 +HST
Table (seats 10): $990 +HST