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1 Hour to Success

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1 Hour to Success is a weekly lunchtime forum to connect you, Faculty of Public Affairs Students, to services on the Carleton Campus. You can come see us every week for sessions with services on campus or academic advising with an advisor from the Student Academic Success Centre (SASC). See what a difference one hour can make!

Where? University Centre, Galleria (Behind Starbucks)
When? On the following Wednesdays, from 12 noon to 1 p.m.

January 14: How to Plan Your Research
January 21: Meet with an Academic Advisor
January 28: Resume Booster
February 4: Meet with an Academic Advisor
February 11: Piling Up the Pennies -Financial Literacy
February 25: Meet with an Academic Advisor
March 4: Network Your Way to a Job
March 11: So You want To Go On An Exchange?
March 18: Know Your Audit
March 25: Meet with an Academic Advisor
April 1: 10 Tips to Survive the End of the Term