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Beneath the Mask: The Controversial Search for Successful Psychopathy

Psychology Colloquium Series 2014-15:
The Don Andrews Memorial Lecture

When: February 12, 2015
Time: 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: 306 Southam Hall

Traditionally, psychopathic personality (psychopathy) has been viewed as linked to maladaptive behaviours, such as criminality. In this talk, Dr. Lilienfeld will examine the controversial possibility that some of the same traits that are associated with psychopathy, such as superficial char, social poise, fearlessness, and risk-taking, also predispose to successful interpersonal behavior in some realms, such as business and politics. He will discuss criticisms of this notion and present a recent program of research that examines the implications of boldness for adaptive behavior in the real-world.

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