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Danette Nearing-Guibord receives Teaching Excellence Award

The Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice congratulates Danette Nearing-Guibord on her receipt of the FPA Teaching Excellence Award!

The Faculty of Public Affairs Teaching Excellence Award recognizes one full-time faculty member and one contract instructor for merit in the areas of curricular development, commitment to student advising and engagement, teaching evaluations, curriculum and classroom innovation, and consistency in teaching excellence. When presenting the award, the Associate Dean (Academic), Hugh Shewell, stated that:

The committee was very impressed by the strength and consistency of excellence of Danette’s teaching record over the past eight years. While remaining in her teaching position, she has also obtained a Master’s degree in Sociology, which has demonstrably altered her approach to teaching and strengthened how she assists students to examine critically the interface between theory and practice.  Students consistently comment on her helpfulness, and how her teaching and classes have confirmed their choice of career and helped them gain employment. She is consistently seen explicitly and implicitly as a valuable asset to Carleton and a bridge to the community.