Within the first term of employment, all new faculty, instructors, and librarians can find information on the annual orientations that Carleton University hosts. In addition, further support services and other initiatives are listed below for reference.
Office of the Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)
All new academics are invited to attend the annual New Faculty Orientation (NFO) held during the summer months. For new hires who start at a different time of the year, please contact tls@carleton.ca to schedule an appointment. The agenda includes:
- Panel discussions and activities to facilitate introductions to the Carleton teaching community
- Information on Teaching Policies and Procedures
- Introduction to institutionally supported educational technology tools
Facilitating connections with key departments and resources across campus to support teaching activities.
Office of the Vice-President, Research and International (OVP, R&I)
For Researchers, all new faculty are invited to attend the annual New Faculty Research Orientation at the end of August. For new hires who start at a different time of the year, please contact CORIS@carleton.ca to schedule an appointment.
- Overview of the OVP, R&I
- Plenary session with early-career and established researchers
- Overview of research support from key offices including:
- Carleton International
- Industry and Partnership Services (IPS)
- Carleton Office for Research Initiatives and Services (CORIS)
- Office of Research Ethics and Animal Ethics & Biohazards
- Faculty Research Facilitators
- MacOdrum Library (information)
- University Communications
- Research Financial Services and Financial Systems
- Information Technology Services (ITS)
Maxwell MacOdrum Library
MacOdrum Library supports teaching and research. You can speak with one or more of our experts in the following areas:
- Library resources for teaching & learning – DavidC.Jackson@carleton.ca
- Subject Specialists – Patti.Harper@carleton.ca
- Publishing, Researcher Profiles, Metrics, Open Access, Copyright – Valerie.Critchley@carleton.ca
- Research Data Management – rdm@library.carleton.ca (or Jane.Fry@carleton.ca)
Dean’s Office
Typically, all new academics meet with the Dean/University Librarian (as appropriate) in their first semester. As well, in accordance with the CU/CUASA Collective Agreement, all new preliminary faculty will meet with the Dean (or designate) in the first semester to discuss the criteria for tenure and promotion and a copy of the Unit Standards will be provided (if not already received).
Your Associate Dean (Research) and Research Facilitator
Your orientation will cover:
- Your research area and plans
- Support available for grant proposal development
Student Support Services
Connect with Student Support Services for assistance in dealing with Academic Integrity, Supporting Students in Distress, and more.
Financial Services
Tools, support and training for financial administrative systems and policies is available through the FACTS website, including:
- ‘Which Financial System do I Use to …’ a ‘Quick Reference for Faculty’
- SAP Concur Travel and Expense Reimbursement system
- eShop (Procurement Services)
- Financial Administrative Support Tool (FAST): MyResearch, Purchasing Card, Research Administration
- Your Professional Expense Reimbursement (PER)
- Signing Authorities Policy (i.e., who can sign a contract)
For more information, visit carleton.ca/facts
Risk and Insurance, including:
- Contract review
- Field trip and travel risk management
- Insurance coverage
- Proof of insurance
For more information, visit Carleton’s Risk Management website
Office of Quality Initiatives (OQI)
Register for various CU Onboarding Timeline activities/initiatives:
- Carleton 101 Seminar
- Creating a Culture of Wellness and Excellence Workshop
- Take Control of Your Workday Workshop
- Introduction to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Seminar
- Data Security Seminar (currently in development)
Onboarding Checklist for New Academics
Navigate the remainder of the Onboarding Checklist for New Academics by clicking through the relevant stages in the onboarding process below.