Visiting, In-Residence and Honorary Rank Appointments
External Candidates

If you are interested in applying for an adjunct professor, adjunct research professor, visiting or in-resident appointment at Carleton, please review the relevant University Policies and contact the appropriate Department/Academic Unit directly for more information on the process.
In accordance with the requirements of the Canadian government, we are providing additional information about your rights in Canada. This document may be amended from time to time by the federal government. International Mobility Program: Get to know your rights while working in Canada: This document explains the rights of workers hired under the IMP.
Current Opportunities
Internal Candidates
Current and retired Carleton faculty may be eligible for the honorary appointments, including Chancellor’s Professor, Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Research Professor, Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Research Professor in accordance with University Policies. For more information, please review our University Policies and visit the Deputy Provost’s Intranet site.