On this page you’ll find information about Cumulative Grade Point Average (aka Overall CGPA) and Term Grade Point Average (aka Term GPA) – both are used in the University’s Academic Continuation Evaluation.

Both your Overall CGPA and your Term GPA are calculated by dividing the sum of the grade points earned by the total credit value of courses.

Overall CGPA >> includes all courses counting towards your degree requirements.
Term GPA >> includes all courses attempted in one term of study.

Percentage Equivalency Grade points for 1.0 credits Grade Points for 0.5 credits Grade Points for 0.25 credits
90-100% A+ = 12.0 A+ = 6.0 A+ = 3.0
85-89% A = 11.0 A = 5.5 A = 2.75
80-84% A- = 10.0 A- = 5.0 A- = 2.5
77-79% B+ = 9.0 B+ = 4.5 B+ = 2.25
73-76% B = 8.0 B = 4.0 B = 2.0
70-72% B- = 7.0 B- = 3.5 B- = 1.75
67-69% C+ = 6.0 C+ = 3.0 C+ = 1.5
63-66% C = 5.0 C = 2.5 C = 1.25
60-62% C- = 4.0 C- = 2.0 C- = 1.0
57-59% D+ = 3.0 D+ = 1.5 D+ = 0.75
53-56% D = 2.0 D = 1.0 D = 0.5
50-52% D- = 1.0 D- = 0.5 D- = 0.25
0-49% F = 0.0 F = 0.0 F = 0.0

How to Calculate your CGPA and Term GPA

1. Check your audit!

Your Overall CGPA is the top number in the SUMMARY OF CREDITS AND CGPA section of your audit.
For example:

Remember that if you have hypothetical courses or hypothetical grades on your audit, your CGPA will be altered.

See AAC’s How to Read Your Audit for instructions for how to run your audit in Carleton Central.


2. Calculate on your own:
  • STEP 1: List all of the courses you’ve attempted, the corresponding credit values, and your final grades
  • STEP 2: Record the grade points earned for each course (use Carleton’s grade point scale, pictured above) and add them up. Remember: 0.5 and 0.25 credit courses are worth half or a quarter of the point value (i.e. B+ are 9.00 points for a 1.0 credit, but 4.50 points for 0.5 credit course, and 2.25 points for a 0.25 credit course).
  • STEP 3: Add up the number of credits that you’ve completed
  • STEP 4: Divide the total number of grade points by the total number of credits

For example:

Course Final Grade Credit Value Grade Point Value
ECOR 1041 B- 0.25 1.75
ECOR 1043 C+ 0.25 1.5
ECOR 1045 B 0.25 2.0
ECOR 1047 C- 0.25 1.0
CHEM 1101 B 0.5 4.0
MATH 1004 B+ 0.5 4.5
ERTH 1010 A- 0.5 5.0
2.5 credits total 19.75 total grade points
CGPA = 19.75 / 2.5 = 7.90 CGPA
3. Use the Term GPA calculator found HERE. (Note: VPN connection is required to access this page)


Did you know?

  • F grades are included in the CGPA calculation(s) until they are removed through course repetition or replacement. When a course is repeated, the highest graded attempt is used – unless the recent attempt is an F grade, with a previous passing grade).
  • UNS and SAT, NR and CR grades do not impact your CGPA; but the underlying letter grades are used for prerequisites, as well as select Engineering regulations.
  • All credits earned through the University of Ottawa Exchange agreement are included in the CGPA calculations, but courses completed at any other university (through Letter of Permission or Exchange) are not.
  • Courses listed as Excess to the Degree (ETD), No Credit for the Degree (NCD), Forfeit, and Transfer credits (TR) are not included in the calculation of your CGPA.

Engineering Policy on SAT and UNS Grades →