As all Engineering programs are subject to strict accreditation requirements, there are several special request processes that require Associate Dean approval. The Academic Support Office team can help guide you through the processes; here is some general information to get you started.

Schedule Conflicts


A Conflict Request is used when two courses you need to take (i.e. both are mandatory requirements your program, not electives) are scheduled in the same term and meet on the same day at overlapping times.

When both courses that conflict are being delivered synchronously, this kind of conflict request is unlikely to be approved. Engineering program hours are strict; in most cases, true course conflicts will not be approved without instructor accommodation.

To request a conflict for synchronous courses, please email; they will confirm what supporting documentation is required for consideration and guide you through the process.


Prerequisite Waivers


The Faculty of Engineering and Design strictly upholds prerequisites as included in course descriptions in the Undergraduate Calendar. Detailed information about year status in Engineering requirements can be found on the Academic Support Office’s Understanding Prerequisites page.

If you do not meet the listed prerequisites for a course but believe that you have completed equivalent prerequisites, please email to request the Prerequisite Waiver form and to receive further guidance.


Course Overload


Regulations regarding Course Load and Overload can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar Academic Regulations of the University, section 2.1.4. Please note this section includes the minimum CGPA requirements required for a course overload.

Engineering students with first year status have a limit of 2.5 credits per (Fall and Winter) term; these students are not permitted to overload their timetable beyond this limit. The credit limit for B.Eng students automatically increases to 3.0 credits per (Fall and Winter) term once they achieve second year status. A Course Overload Request is required for engineering students to register for any additional courses in a (Fall or Winter) term after reaching the 3.0 credit limit.

Please email to request the Course Overload form and to receive further guidance.


Late Registration


Engineering students are expected to complete their registration before the first day of classes. If a student does not register for a course by the University’s registration deadline, due to reasons outside of their control, they can submit a petition for late registration.

Before submitting a late registration form, students must ensure that:

  • They are otherwise eligible to register
  • The course is required for their program
  • They understand that a professor’s or departmental approval for late registration does not guarantee that a late registration petition will be granted.

Late registration must be requested through the Engineering Undergraduate Academic Support Office.


Letter of Permission and uOttawa Exchange


If you plan to take a course required for your degree at another university, you must obtain Carleton’s approval in advance, in order for the course to count towards your degree requirements. Carleton Engineering students have two (2) options for completing courses at another university:

1. Letter of Permission: To initiate a Letter of Permission request, please review eligibility requirements and application instructions via the Registrar’s Office.

2. University of Ottawa Exchange: To initiate a University of Ottawa Exchange request, please review eligibility requirements and application instructions via the Registrar’s Office.

Please note: Both of these processes have strict application deadlines, as your request must be approved by both your academic advisor and the Associate Dean. Furthermore, an approval from Carleton does not guarantee a space in the course at the host university.


Transfer Credit Request


Requests for transfer credits are to be made upon admission. Any inquiries regarding this matter must be directed to Admissions Services at


Academic Petitions


A petition is a formal request for accommodation with regard to the published regulations and deadlines of the University. You can submit a petition when circumstances beyond your control have negatively impacted your ability to meet your academic obligations.

All petitions from Engineering undergraduate students are brought to the Engineering Committee on Admission and Studies (CAS) for a decision.

There are two types of circumstances that may warrant an exception to published regulations or deadlines:
• Personal circumstances such as illness or unanticipated serious events.
• Regulations possibly being incorrectly applied to a student’s record. In this case, a student’s unique academic record may have conflicted with normal academic requirements or regulations to have an unintended outcome.

A guide to submitting a petition can be found via the Registrar’s Office.

Students considering submitting a petition can contact for advising and support in preparing their petition request.