At Carleton University, we seek to create a more diverse and inclusive community for all faculty, staff, students and community members. While the university has taken several steps towards Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) through initiatives such as the EDI Action Plan and the Coordinated Accessibility Strategy working towards an inclusive community is an ongoing process.

Visit the Indigenous Gathering Site to learn more about Indigenous community engagement, teaching, learning and research, news, stories, and more.

This page provides a list of commemorative dates, annual Carleton events and campaigns, and institutionally-endorsed documents and plans.

Commemorative Dates


January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27 marks the day the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was liberated. On this day we honour the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and take this opportunity to reflect on the dangers of anti-Semitism and the atrocities of the Holocaust.


January 29: National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia

A candle graphic that reads "National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia"On January 29 we remember the six people who lost their lives and the 19 others who were injured during the 2017 terrorist attack at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec in Sainte-Foy. This day serves as a reminder of the work that is needed to eradicate hate Islamophobia, as well as recognize the resilience and strength of Muslim communities.


February: Black History Month

A graphic that reads "Black History Month"As a community, we reflect on our histories and pasts during Black History Month to better understand where we are today. Throughout the month of February the Carleton community comes together to support and celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black people and their communities. Learn about Carleton’s commitment to Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion.

February 1-7: World Interfaith Harmony Week

World Interfaith Harmony WeekA graphic of a blue butterfly with text that reads "World Interfaith Harmony Week" is observed every year in the first week of February. Emerging from the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution, this week-long celebration aims to promote harmony between citizens of the world, regardless of their faith. Together we must all celebrate unity in diversity, and the connection between people and their faith.



March 8: International Women’s Day

a graphic of different women, when clicked leads you to International Women's Day pageOn International Women’s Day, observed annually on March 8, Carleton celebrates the achievements and contributions of women across the university.

Women continue to experience discrimination based on their gender, which is exacerbated for racialized women, women with disabilities, transgender women, and those with marginalized gender identities. Collectively, we celebrate women’s achievements to raise awareness about discrimination and create a world that is equitable and inclusive.

March 15: International Day to Combat Islamophobia

A mosqueInternational Day to Combat Islamophobia is observed every year on March 15 with the goal of creating concrete action in the face of rising hatred, discrimination, and violence against Muslims. This day calls attention to people around the world who are harassed, detained, imprisoned, or even killed for identifying as Muslim, practicing Islam, or converting to Islam. As a community, we commit to protecting individual’s right to freedom of religion.

March 21: International Day to End Racial Discrimination

a graphic of a diverse group of peopleOn International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Carleton community reflects on the injustices and prejudices fueled by racial discrimination that take place every day. This day serves as a call to action for individuals, organizations, and all levels of government to actively work to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination, injustice, systemic racism, and hate.

March 31: International Day of Trans Visibility

A trans flagOn International Transgender Day of Visibility, the Carleton community comes together to celebrate transgender people and raise awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide. Today and every day, we work to eliminate barriers and create an environment that is equitable and inclusive for all gender identities.



May: Asian Heritage Month

A map of AsiaEach May, Carleton celebrates Asian Heritage Month. With many distinct regions and communities making up the Asian diaspora in Canada, this month provides an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the diverse contributions of Asian Canadians to the growth and prosperity of Canada.

The Carleton community is proud to highlight and celebrate the stories, contributions, and impact made by people of Asian descent on campus.

May: Jewish Heritage Month

A graphic of a Jewish star with text that reads "Jewish Heritage Month"The month of May is Canadian Jewish Heritage Month, an opportunity to celebrate and learn about the countless contributions Jewish Canadians have made to the country.

Carleton is proud to honour these stories, recognizing the bravery and resilience that Jewish communities have continuously shown throughout Canada’s history.

May 5: National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ Peoples/ Red Dress Day

Red dresses on display for May 5thMay 5 is National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ Peoples (MMIWG2SLGBTQQIA+). This day is also known as Red Dress Day with respect to Jaime Black’s REDress art installation which helped inspire the red dress movement. On May 5, many people across North America hang red dresses in private and public spaces to remember those who are missing and murdered.

May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia

A pride flagInternational Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia draws attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex people, and all of those with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics. On this day, and every day, the Carleton community works to eliminate barriers and create an equitable and inclusive environment for all sexual orientations and gender identities.



June: Pride Month

A rainbow crosswalkJune is Pride Month, an opportunity to celebrate and support 2-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer members of the Carleton community.

Carleton supports greater inclusion throughout all areas of campus life.

June: National Indigenous History Month

Links to Carleton's National Indigenous History Month webpageDuring National Indigenous History Month, Carleton celebrates the rich and diverse cultures, voices and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people who are positively impacting the world.

Carleton acknowledges the location of its campus on the traditional, unceded territories of the Algonquin nation. In doing so, we recognize the responsibility we have to the Algonquin people and to adhere to Algonquin cultural protocols.

June 18: International Day for Countering Hate Speech

International Day for Countering Hate SpeechMegaphone graphic is an opportunity to raise awareness of the risks posed by hate speech. This day serves as a crucial reminder for us to come together, reject divisiveness, and foster a culture of empathy, understanding, and respect for all.

June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day

Indigenous smudgeOn National Indigenous Peoples Day, Carleton celebrates the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples.

For generations, many Indigenous peoples have celebrated their culture and heritage on or near this day due to the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year. As a community, we come together to learn about the important history, culture and perspectives of Indigenous communities in Canada.

June 27: Canadian Multiculturalism Day

Canadian Multiculturalism DayCanadians holding Canadian flags honours the many communities that help build a strong and vibrant Canadian society. This day is an opportunity to celebrate the cultural diversity that enriches us collectively and reaffirms our commitment to equity, inclusion, and mutual respect.



August 1: Emancipation Day

Chains being brokenCanadians are not always aware that Black and Indigenous Peoples were once enslaved on the land that is now Canada. Those who fought enslavement were pivotal in shaping our society to be as diverse as it is today. On Emancipation Day Canadians are invited to reflect, educate and engage in the ongoing fight against anti-Black racism and discrimination.

August 22: International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief

Different religious symbolsInternational Day Commemorating the Victims of Violence Based on Religion or Belief is held every year on August 22. On this day, the Carleton community honours survivors and victims of religion-based violence as we commit to protecting everyone’s right to freedom of religion.



September (4th week of the month): Gender Equality Week

Gender Equality WeekA group of gender diverse people raises awareness of the important contributions of women and gender diverse people within the university community. On this day, and every day, Carleton celebrates the significant accomplishments that have been made in advancing gender equality and reconfirm our commitment to address persistent gender equality gaps.

September 30: Orange Shirt Day

When clicked brings you to Carleton's webpage about orange shirt dayOn Orange Shirt Day, held annually on September 30, people from across Canada are encouraged to take time to meaningfully reflect on the harmful impact of residential schools and seek out opportunities toward reconciliation.

Carleton is committed to reconciliation, as outlined in Kinàmàgawin, a revitalized long-term Indigenous strategy with 41 calls to action to make our university a more welcoming space for current and future Indigenous students and faculty members.

Sept. 30 also marks National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.


October: Women’s History Month

A graphic of different womenOctober is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate the women and girls from our past, and present who are contributing to a better, more inclusive university and country. As a community, we are working together to eliminate gender barriers, creating a university environment that is equitable, inclusive, and empowering to women’s success.

October: Islamic History Month

Islamic History MonthA mosque aims to celebrate, inform, educate, and share Muslim heritage and contributions to society. It is also a time to acknowledge the ongoing challenges and barriers that Muslim Canadians face.


October 4: National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

a patterned scarfCarleton honours the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and gender diverse people by creating change and committing to ending the violence that disproportionately impacts communities.


October 10: World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health DayA mental health graphic with the silhouette of a brain calls us to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilize efforts in support of mental health. This day provides an opportunity to come togetherandpromote the importance of mental health education, awareness, support, and advocacy against social stigma.



November 16: Louis Riel Day

A Louis Riel statueHeld on November 16, Louis Riel Day marks the anniversary of Riel’s execution as he led Metis people in the Northwest Resistance; a group that stood against the Government of Canada for encroaching on Metis rights and ways-of-life. This day is an opportunity to remember the historical leader as well as celebrate the many contributions of the Metis People.

November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance

A candle against a trans flag backgroundOn Transgender Day of Remembrance, Carleton honors the memory of transgender people whose lives have been lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness regarding the persistent stigma and discrimination experienced by this community.

November 25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

A graphic of women hugging each otherInternational Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, is a day to mobilize all society to become activists for the prevention of violence against women; calling for global action to increase awareness, promote advocacy and create opportunities for discussion to end gender-based violence.

November 25-December 10: 16 Days of Action to End Gender-Based Violence

A graphic of women protesting with a banner that reads "#16DAYS"The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that begins on November 25, with International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and runs until December 10, Human Rights Day.

This period includes December 6, Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (White Ribbon Day) which commemorates the 14 women killed in the horrific 1989 Montreal Polytechnique massacre

Carleton University is committed to ongoing learning and growing to deepen our understanding of gender-based violence through an intersectional lens and gaining skills to prevent, intervene and respond appropriately. As a community, we are committed to maintaining a positive learning, working and living environment where violence of any kind, including gender-based violence, is not tolerated.



December 6: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

White rosesOn December 6, 1989, fourteen young women were murdered at Polytechnique Montréal. Over 30 years later and we are still reckoning with the Canadian and global realities of gender-based violence, femicide, and misogyny.

At Carleton, we commemorate the 14 women killed and educate students about gender-based violence and the intersectional realities that put the most marginalized communities at risk.

December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with DisabilitiesA graphic that reads "International Day of People with Disability" promotes the dignity, rights, and well-being of persons with disabilities. Carleton aims to support and raise awareness of the issues that persons with disabilities face in all aspects of political, social, economic, and cultural life.

December 10: Human Rights Day

Human Rights DayA graphic of a group of hands in a circle honours the date the United Nations General Assembly adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This document sets out fundamental human rights to be universally protected, regardless of race, nationality, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, or status.

Carleton recognizes human justice, remembering the progress that has been made and the continued work that is needed to address human rights issues.


UN International Decade for People of African Decent


A group of African womenThe UN General Assembly proclaimed 2015-2024 as the International Decade for People of African Descent. It is a decade to promote the respect, protection, and fulfillment of all human rights & fundamental freedoms by people of African Descent. As well as, promote a greater knowledge of and respect for the diverse heritage, culture, and contribution of people of African descent to the development of societies.

Annual Carleton Events and Campaigns


January 24 to 28: Sexual Assault Awareness Week


An art piece that says "We Believe You"Hosted annually, the Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities, along with community partners, hosts a variety of events and workshops throughout Sexual Assault Awareness Week. We aim to engage and challenge the Carleton community to have conversations about sexual violence and its impact on campus, while raising awareness about the realities of those who are impacted.


The Week of Sept 4th: CUrious About Consent Campaign


A graphic that reads "Curious about consent?", when clicked brings you to Carleton's equity events pageDeveloped by Carleton‘s Equity and Inclusive Communities, the Curious About Consent campaign offers various events throughout the first 6 weeks of classes, known as “The Red Zone” . This campaign seeks to inform students on the resources available on campus, and expand their understanding of topics such as consent, sexual violence and active self-care.


October 16-20: Inclusion Week


A graphic image of a tree sproutEvery year, the Carleton community comes together for Inclusion Week. Themed around Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) topics, the week-long event series aims to raise visibility and awareness of the value of human rights work and EDI, explore practical ways to integrate its principles into our organizational structures and culture, and strengthen the potential for prosperity in the community.


October: Pride Festival


people walking across a rainbow crosswalk, when clicked brings you to Carleton's Pride Festival pageCarleton’s Pride Festival celebrates the two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (2SLGBTQ+) community within the community. The week-long series of events celebrates 2SLGBTQ+ identities in the Carleton community. The events focus on facilitating education about sexual orientation and gender identity and bringing awareness to issues within the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

Institutionally-Endorsed Documents and Plans


Scarborough Charter


Scarborough Charter Title PageDeveloped in 2021, the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education addresses anti-Black racism and promotes Black inclusion within Canadian universities and colleges. Carleton is proud to count itself among the nearly 50 universities across Canada to sign and endorse the Charter. universities and colleges.


NSERC Dimensions Program Charter


A graphic of a diverse group of academicsThe NSERC Dimensions Program Charter invites post-secondary institutions to undergo transformations to increase EDI. Carleton endorses the program’s charter and adopts its principles designed to achieve greater research excellence, innovation and creativity in higher education through EDI.

Strategies and Plans

Links to Carleton's Equity, Diversity and Inclusions Action Plan