Professor Piotr Dutkiewicz has been instrumental in planning and hosting the events at EURUS this semester. On March 28th, 2019 he will be introducing Canada’s Chargé a.i to Russia, Stéphane Jobin, at the EURUS event: Russia at Home and in the World: the View of a Canadian Official in Moscow. On April 11th, he will be co-hosting the In Search of New Eurasian Pragmatism, a full day conference hosted by EURUS and CERBA (The Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association). Professor Dutkiewicz also runs the Russian Writing Contest at Carleton.

Professor Dutkiewicz co-edited Eurasia on the Edge Managing Complexity with Richard Sakwa.  He presented papers in Poland, Italy, Germany, Russia and Kyrgyzstan and published an article on “Fear as Politics” in the journal Polis.

Professor Dutkiewicz and EURUS MA Alumni Andrew Lo in Shanghai, China

Chapter in books :

– P. Dutkiewicz and R. Sakwa, Security in Eurasia—Further or Closer to the Edge? In : Eurasia on the Edge Managing Complexity, Rowman US, 2018, pp. 269 – 292

Peer reviewed/web of science indexed  articles:

– Dutkiewicz P., Kazarinova D.B. Fear as Politics Polis. Political Studies No 4 2017, pp 8-19, Russian Federation

Conference papers presented:

  1. May 21st, 2018, Warsaw, Poland, Warsaw University , Conference : Inventing hegemonies : Theories and approaches, Paper : Inventing Hegemonies – An Introduction,
  2. June 11th, 2018, Bishkek, Kyrgystan,American University of Central Asia and The George Washington University, Central Asian Program, Conference : Integration processes and state interests in Eurasia”, Paper : EEU and OBOR – Trade, Security or Both?
  3. September 1st, 2018, St.Petersburg, invited lecture : “Systemic Contradictions in the Global  Polity”
  4. May 26th, 2018, St.Petersburg, Russia,  St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018 (participation in a panel organized by Valdai Club)
  5. June 13th, 2018,Trento, Italy, Trento University, International Summer school on Global Challenges, Lecture by Piotr Dutkiewicz – “Russia: Rival, Threat or Partner?”
  6. August 27th, 2018, Berlin, Germany,  DOC Berlin, Conference: Hegemonic Strategies; Paper :  “Hegemonic Strategies – Contours of Global Management “.
  7. September 11 – 13, 2018, Moscow Russian Association of Political Regional Studies, paper presentation: “Hegemony, Fear and Enemy – As Agenda for Research”

Conference ac academic organizer :

  • Warsaw University – May 21st, 2018, Warsaw, Poland, Warsaw University , Conference : Inventing hegemonies : Theories and approaches, Paper : Inventing Hegemonies – An Introduction,
  • DOC Berlin – August 27th, 2018, Berlin, Germany,  DOC Berlin, Conference: Hegemonic Strategies; Paper :  “Hegemonic Strategies – Contours of Global Management “.