April 10th marked the successful conclusion to the 3rd Annual Canada-wide Russian Writing Contest held by Carleton University, in cooperation and support from the Russia-Canada Business Council and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canada, with the announcement of winners across several different categories. You can learn more about this year’s contest here, and view the full list of winners here.

Following is message by Professors Piotr Duktiewicz and and Irina Annenkova, contest’s co-founders, as well as the address given by H.E. Ambassador Alexander Darchiev during the awards ceremony:

Professor Irina V. Annenkova (Executive Director of the Russian language Contest)

“There is no culture without language, and our Russian  Writing Contest, the first of its kind in Canada, provides a unique opportunity for all students studying Russian language in Canada to immerse themselves in the rich Russian culture.

The author the concept of the Writing Contest is Professor Irina Annenkova from the Lomonosov Moscow State University and it is supported by the Russian  Canadian Business Council and Carleton University .

The Project of contests for Russian-speaking Canadian students was developed and implemented by  EURUS and  CGPM in close cooperation with Professor Irina Annenkova.

The project has also support from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ottawa.

As described in our announcement of the Russian Writing Contest, “The purpose of the contest is to generate interest among students in appreciation of the relationship between our countries; to celebrate Russian-Canadian heritage and the diversity of cultures and languages in Canada; and to provide an opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge of the Russian language, literature and history”.

The First Contest, announced in 2017 and held in 2018, was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Canada and Russia. More than 40 participants from 6 provinces took part in it. As a result of the contest, 11 participants were awarded prizes by the RCaBC, including trips to Moscow and St. Petersburg for the two winners.

The Second Contest, held in 2019, was attended by 52 participants from 6 provinces. The contest revealed interest of primary and secondary school and university students, as well as their families. Participants ranged from children as young as 6-years old to adults.

We have just (April 2020) finalised the Third edition of the Contest with 48 participants from 4 provinces”

Address by H.E. Ambassador Alexander Darchiev:

H.E. Alexander N. Darchiev (Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada)

Dear friends,

Distinguished participants and jury,

The All-Canadian Russian Writing Contest, which is the joint initiative
by Carleton and Moscow State Universities with the generous support of the Russia-Canada Business Council and the Russian Embassy to Canada, presents the unique opportunity for its participants, young and old, to express themselves in the language of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Chekhov.

Held for the third time, this competition of essays inspires Russian speakers and Canadians who study Russian to explore the depth and the richness of Russia’s cultural heritage. This is a noble endeavor that helps building bridges between our peoples and societies, as well as to promote better understanding which is key to making bilateral relations sound and predictable.

It’s of utmost importance that the contest is focused on stimulating participants and their relatives to creatively read, write and think in traditions of great Russian literature appealing to humanism, values of social justice and compassion.

Many thanks to Russian language teachers, tutors and professors whose devotion, passion and tireless efforts made such significant undertaking possible with the promising potential for the future. Good luck and see you next year.