John Clarke, is a historical geographer at Carleton University, Ottawa where he holds the title of Distinguished Research Professor. We are very pleased to announce that The Ontario Historical Society presented the 2013 J.J. Talman Award for best book on Ontario’s social, economic, political, or cultural history to John Clarke for his book, The Ordinary People of Essex; Environment, Culture, and Economy on the Frontier of Upper Canada, published by McGill-Queen’s University Press.

John Clarke

John Clarke with Bob Leech (Treasurer, O.H.S) on the left and Dr. Ian Radforth (Director O.H.S.) on the right.

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The Ordinary People of Essex is a superb analysis of how Ontario’s nineteenth-century settlers were actors pursuing individual, family, and culturally determined scripts in their interaction with the environment, culture, and economy. Congratulations John Clarke on this prestigious award.