DGES presented the single largest contingent of attendees at the 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference held 21-23 September in Quebec City.

Fourteen of our students, faculty, and recent graduates were there, and we presented eleven papers from within our present group of students.

The photo shows (L to R, sitting): Marcus Phillips (PhD student), Brendan O’Neill (PhD student), Graham Gilbert (BSc/’11, now a PhD student at UNIS, Svalbard), Steve Kokelj (PhD/’03, now with the Geological Survey of the Northwest Territories), Peter Morse (PhD/’13, now with the Geological Survey of Canada), Pascale Roy-Léveillée (PhD/’15, now Assistant Professor at Laurentian University), Kumari Karunaratne (PhD/’11, now with the Geological Survey of the Northwest Territories); and (L to R, standing): Tim Enson (MSc/’11, now with Golder Associates), Loriane Perier (M.Eng, Laval, co-supervised by Chris Burn), Jeff Moore (MSc student), Adrian Gaanderse (MSc/’15), Professor Stephan Gruber, Michelle Côté (MA/’02, now with Geological Survey of Canada), Professor Chris Burn.

The photo shows (L to R, sitting): Marcus Phillips (PhD student), Brendan O’Neill (PhD student), Graham Gilbert (BSc/’11, now a PhD student at UNIS, Svalbard), Steve Kokelj (PhD/’03, now with the Geological Survey of the Northwest Territories), Peter Morse (PhD/’13, now with the Geological Survey of Canada), Pascale Roy-Léveillée (PhD/’15, now Assistant Professor at Laurentian University), Kumari Karunaratne (PhD/’11, now with the Geological Survey of the Northwest Territories); and (L to R, standing): Tim Enson (MSc/’11, now with Golder Associates), Loriane Perier (M.Eng, Laval, co-supervised by Chris Burn), Jeff Moore (MSc student), Adrian Gaanderse (MSc/’15), Professor Stephan Gruber, Michelle Côté (MA/’02, now with Geological Survey of Canada), Professor Chris Burn.

The papers presented were:

Burn, C.R. 2015. The geocryological bibliography of J. Ross Mackay (1915-2014). Paper 239. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC.  7 p.

Burn, C.R. and O’Neill, H.B. 2015. Subdivision of ice-wedge polygons, western Arctic coast. Paper 252. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC.  6 p.

Burn, C.R., Moore, J.L., O’Neill, H.B., Hayley, D.W., Trimble, J.R., Calmels, F., Orban, S.N., Idrees, M. 2015. Permafrost characterization of the Dempster Highway, Yukon and Northwest Territories. Paper 705. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC.  8 p.

Gaanderse, A.J.R., Wolfe, S.A., and Burn, C.R. 2015. Origin and composition of a lithalsa in the Great Slave Lowland, Northwest Territories. Paper 259. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC.  7 p.

Gruber, S., Burn, C.R., Arenson, L., Geertsema, M., Harris, S., Smith, S.L., Bonnaventure, P., and Benkert, B. 2015. Permafrost in mountainous regions of Canada. Paper 169. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC.  8 p.

Idrees, M., Burn, C.R., Moore, J.L., and Calmels, F. 2015.  Monitoring permafrost conditions along the Dempster Highway. Paper 703. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC.  8 p.

Karunaratne, K.C., Kokelj, S.V., Palmer, M., Wolfe, S.A. & Gruber, S. 2015. Metadata protocol for ground temperature records in the Northwest Territories. Paper 744, Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC. 8 p.

O’Neill, H.B., and Burn, C.R. 2015. Permafrost degradation adjacent to snow fences along the Dempster Highway, Peel Plateau, NWT. Paper 219. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC. 7 p.

O’Neill, H.B., Burn, C.R., and Kokelj, S.V. 2015. Field measurements of permafrost conditions beside the Dempster Highway embankment, Peel Plateau, NWT. Paper 380. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC.  7 p.

Périer, L., Doré, G., and Burn, C.R. 2015. Influence of water temperature and flow on thermal regime around culverts built on permafrost. Paper 089. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC.  6 p.

Phillips, M.R., Burn, C.R., Wolfe, S.A., Morse, P.D., Gaanderse, A.J., O’Neill, H.B., Shugar, D.H., and Gruber, S. 2015. Improving water content description of ice-rich permafrost soils. Paper 372. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC.  7 p.

Roy-Leveillee, P., and Burn, C.R. 2015. Geometry of oriented lakes in Old Crow Flats, northern Yukon. Paper 284. Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, 21-23 September 2015, Quebec City, QC, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Richmond, BC.  8 p.