In Geography and Environmental Studies we don’t just learn in the classroom; we provide students with opportunities to learn relevant skills and apply their knowledge to real-world challenges.

Every fall, undergraduate students travel to Lanark county for 5 days for their field-based, experiential learning course.  Students learn a range of human geography, physical geography, and environmental studies field methods, from surveys, biodiversity identification, stream gauging, water quality sampling, and interviewing. They meet experts and community groups from across the region, and have a chance to experience what it might be like to apply geographic and environmental research skills to real-life problems.

Our field courses are designed to give students an opportunity to do just that: learn valuable field skills, apply classroom knowledge, and connect to the many organizations and issues that require geographic and environmental expertise.

Here are some pictures of our most recent field campers. Congratulations to these hard working and engaged students on a successful 2017 Fall Field Camp.

Early Saturday morning students, faculty, and staff meet at the Loeb Building to board the big yellow field camp bus.

Faculty member, Derek Mueller, and Field Assistant Jill Rajewicz enjoying their morning coffee before taking 30 students to Lanark for the week.

The big yellow bus arrives at Providence Point Camp, Lanark, ON.

Students and Derek Mueller ready to head to the lake for some measuring and sampling.

Students on a tour of revitalization in Almonte – followed by their first in-depth interview assignment.

Chilly weather did not dampen the spirits of this well-prepared group as they set out on their observational research assignment in Perth.

Students are encouraged to use various methods of data collection in observational research – our students loved using their cameras!

Our cabin is our classroom.

Fishing for benthic invertebrates.

Learning to use stream gauging equipment.

Our department administrator, Natalie Pressburger, comes for a visit.

Washing down canoes with vinegar to prevent the spread of invasive species between lakes.

Learning how to be mad scientists – I think they get an A+ for this picture!

Field assistant, Justin Marshy, teaching students about stream gauging.

Quiet time for Tori Dark.

Ready for some observational research following a mapped route around Perth.

Taking a moment to write in his field note book along the canal in Perth.

Program support officer, Meaghan Kenny, is always ready with the camera to catch students in action. Surprise!

Everyone works long into the evening and deserves a cold beverage after a long day – especially our camp leaders! Jill, Derek, and Don.

Field assistants, Jill and Justin, after a long day in the field. Cheers!

Nate always ready with his camera or a his multi-tool.

I guess you can stop for coffee when you are working 12 hour days. Christian looks pretty happy about to get a warm cup of java.

Beautiful Perth! Our meeting spot at the end of observational research assignments everyday.

A great group of hard working and bright students. Well done everyone!

Archie – field camp dog and resident of Providence Point – loves a good stick and catching sparks from the campfire.