Welcome, Current Students!

Scott Mitchell

Chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

September 2023

Greetings to everyone in DGES!

For those I haven’t met, I am Scott Mitchell, the current Chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies.  I have just returned to this role following a year of sabbatical leave.  During that time Trish Ballamingie did a great job of guiding DGES through an important period of transitioning to a “new normal” form of university life after the COVID-19 shutdowns.

One of the new features in departmental life is the retention of a fair amount of “working from home” and through the past year our main office staff developed a schedule with a regular rotating presence of multiple staff per day on campus, which adapts as needed when people are sick or on vacation.  This worked well, and with adjustments as needed it is going to continue, as is the case now across most of the university and indeed in professional workplaces globally

We have also been going through other forms of change.  As I type this, construction crews are hard at work in our main administrative office spaces, creating new spaces that better fit our current needs; this work will be continuing as we welcome students back to campus for the fall term, but will hopefully be done by the end of September.

We have hired several new professors in the past few years, and are currently working to fill another new position.  We are working together to adjust our courses and programs to embrace the new perspectives and skills that our new professors bring, and adapting our offerings to our changing environment.

I am sure that this will be another exciting year. If anyone has news of accomplishments or successes they wish to share, please pass them along to our Programs Support Officer, Nika.Linseman@carleton.ca. Finally, if there is anything we can do in the department to help you on your own Carleton journey, please let us know.

Scott Mitchell

Chair, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

Resources for Department of Geography and Environmental Studies (DGES) Students

This section contains resources for students in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Please use the links below and the navigation menu to the left to access these resources.

Specific resources for Undergraduate and Graduate Students