Photo of Kevin Driscoll

Kevin Driscoll


Degrees:BA (Concordia); BSc (Toronto); MSc (Northern British Columbia)
Phone:613-520-2600 x 1984


Kevin Driscoll’s main experience is in both teaching and research administration. He has taught a variety of physical geography, forestry and resource management courses at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, BC, as well as at the University of Ottawa. Kevin worked within the Environment and Natural Resources division of NSERC’s Research Partnerships Directorate. Kevin was the secretary-treasurer for the Canadian Geomorphology Research Group from 2002-2007.

Most recently, Kevin was a visiting researcher at the University of Pretoria (South Africa) where he was collaborating on a project investigating the geomorphic impacts of elephant trampling and wallowing in a Sand Forest nature reserve.

Research Interests

  • Zoogeomorphology
  • Alpine Geomorphic Processes and Landforms
  • Alpine Soil Processes

2009-2010 Courses

  • FYSM 1100 F/W It’s Your Environment
  • GEOG 1010 Global Environmental Systems
  • GEOG 2014 The Earth’s Surface
  • GEOG 3022 Environmental & Natural Resources
  • GEOG 3102 GEomorphology

Recent Publications

Arocena, J.M. and Driscoll, K.G. 2002. Natural resources of the world. Chapter 16.3 in: Knowledge for Sustainable Development: An Insight into the Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems. UNESCO/EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd.: Zurich, Switzerland. 30 pp.

Hall, K., Boelhouwers, J. and Driscoll, K. 2001. Some morphometric measurements on ploughing blocks in the McGregor Mountains, Canadian Rockies. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 12: 219-225.

Driscoll, K.G. and Arocena, J.M. 1999. Properties, classification and genesis of selected pedons in the central interior of British Columbia, Canada. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband 119: 37-55.

Driscoll, K.G., Arocena, J.M. and Massicotte, H.B. 1999. Post fire soil nitrogen content and vegetation composition in sub-boreal spruce forests of British Columbia’s central interior, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 121: 227-237.

Hall, K., Boelhouwers, J. and K. Driscoll. 1999. Animals as erosion agents in the alpine zone: some data and observations from Canada, Lesotho and Tibet. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 31 (4): 436-446.


  • Canadian Geomorphology Research Group