Dr. Edward Gregorich
Adjunct Research Professor
Degrees: | BSc (University of Saskatchewan), MSc (University of Saskatchewan), PhD (University of Guelph) |
Phone: | 613-759-1909 Fax: 613-759-1926 |
Email: | gregoriche@agr.gc.ca |
Dr. Ed Gregorich is a research scientist in the Research Branch of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa. His work focuses on soil biochemistry, particularly carbon and nitrogen cycling in soil. Dr. Gregorich is currently an adjunct professor in Geography and Environmental Studies at Carleton University, as well as in Biology at Queen’s University. He previously served as adjunct professor in Natural Resource Science at McGill University. In the course of this work he has helped to direct the research of many graduate students. His own studies began at the University of Saskatchewan, where he obtained a B.Sc. in 1982 and M.Sc. in 1984, and proceeded at the University of Guelph, where he received a Ph.D. in soil science in 1989. Dr. Gregorich is a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Soil Science, which he has served in several capacities, including President. He is also active in the Soil Science Society of America, and currently chairs their Soil Biology and Biochemistry division. Dr. Gregorich participated in the UN International Panel on Climate Change, leading a chapter on agricultural adaptation to climate change in North America. He is currently the Canadian leader of a CIDA project called VIETCANSOL, which promotes on-farm adoption of practical soil and water conservation methods in the mountainous zone of northern Vietnam. Dr. Gregorich has served as associate editor for the Journal of Environmental Quality, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment and the Canadian Journal of Soil Science, has written numerous scientific papers and book chapters, and has co-edited four books, including a widely used book on soil sampling and analysis methods and a soil and environmental science dictionary.
Research Interests
Dr. Gregorich’s research is centred on the interaction between soil and the environment. He studies the effects of changes induced by land management and agricultural practices on soil physical, biological, and chemical properties. His research has focused on the regulation of fluxes of biogenic gases, nutrients, and elements between the soil and the atmosphere, the biosphere, and aquatic systems. His research integrates aspects of soil science, ecology, atmospheric chemistry, microbiology, and hydrology in a search to understand biogeochemical processes in terrestrial ecosystems. To do this he has conducted field studies in various parts of Canada, as well as Scotland, New Zealand, and Antarctica. He has also participated in international research studies in the USA, Germany, the UK, and Denmark.
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Recent Publications
Gregorich, E.G., Rochette, P., Hopkins, D.W., McKim, U.F., and St-Georges, P. 2006. Tillage-induced environmental conditions in soil and substrate limitation determine biogenic gas production. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38: 2614–2628.
Hopkins, D.W., Sparrow, A.D., Novis, P.M., Gregorich, E.G., Elberling, B., and Greenfield, L.G. 2006. Controls on the distribution of productivity and organic resources in Antarctic dry valley soils. Proc. R. Soc. B. 273: 2687-2695.
Elberling, B., Gregorich, E.G., Hopkins, D.W., Sparrow, A.D., Novis, P. and Greenfield, L.G. 2006. Distribution and dynamics of soil organic matter in an Antarctic dry valley. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38: 3095-3106.
Gregorich, E.G., Hopkins, D.W., Elberling, B., Sparrow, A.D., Novis, P., Greenfield, L.G., and Rochette, P. 2006. Biogenic gas emission from lakeshore soils in an Antarctic dry valley. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38: 3120-3129.
Hopkins, D.W., Sparrow, A.D., Elberling, B., Gregorich, E.G., Novis, P, Greenfield, L.G., and Tilston, E.L. 2006. Carbon, nitrogen and temperature controls on microbial activity in soils from an Antarctic dry valley. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38: 3130-3140.
Gregorich, E.G., Beare, M.H., McKim, U.F., and Skjemstad, J.O. 2006. Chemical and biological characteristics of physically uncomplexed organic matter. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:975–985.
McDowell, W.H., Zsolnayb, A., Aitkenhead-Peterson, J.A., Gregorich, E.G., Jones, D.L., Jödemann, D., Kalbitz, K., Marschner, B. Schwesig, D., 2006. A comparison of methods to determine the biodegradable dissolved organic matter (DOM) from different terrestrial sources. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38:1933–1942.
Gregorich, E.G., Rochette, P. VandenBygaart, A.J., and Angers, D.A. 2005. Greenhouse gas contributions of agricultural soils and potential mitigation practices in eastern Canada. Soil Tillage Res. 83:53–72.
Hopkins, D.W. and Gregorich, E.G. 2005. Decomposition of residues and loss of the δ-endotoxin from transgenic (Bt) corn (Zea mays L.) in soil. Can. J. Soil Sci. 85:19–26.
VandenBygaart, A.J., Gregorich, E.G., Angers, D.A., and Stoklas, U.F. 2004. Uncertainty analysis of soil organic carbon change in Canadian cropland from 1991 to 2001. Global Change Biol. 10: 983–994.
VandenBygaart, A.J., Gregorich, E.G., and Angers, D.A. 2003 Influence of agricultural management on soil organic carbon: A compendium and assessment of Canadian studies. Can. J. Soil Sci. 83:363–380.
Hopkins, D.W. and Gregorich, E.G. 2003. Detection and decay of the Bt endotoxin in soil from a field trial with GM maize. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 54:793–800.
Gregorich, E.G., Beare, M.H., Stoklas, U., and St-Georges, P. 2003. Biodegradability of soluble organic matter in maize-cropped soils. Geoderma 113:237–252.
Carter, M.R., and Gregorich, E.G. (Editors). 2007. Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, FL, USA. (in press).
Gregorich, E.G. (Topical editor – Soil Quality). 2002. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. R. Lal (Editor-in-chief) Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.
Gregorich, E.G., Turchenek, L.W., Carter, M.R., and Angers, D.A. (Editors) 2001. Soil and Environmental Science Dictionary. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, FL, USA.
Gregorich, E.G. and Carter, M.R. (Editors) 1997. Soil Quality for Crop Production and Eecosystem Health. Elsevier Science Publ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Gregorich, E.G., Sparling, G.P., and Gregorich, L.J. 2004. Stewardship and soil health. Pages 407-426 In B.P. Warkentin (ed.). Footprints in the Soil: People and Ideas in Soil History. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Hopkins, D.W., Elberling, B., Greenfield, L.G., Gregorich, E.G., Novis, P., O’Donnell, A.G., and Sparrow, A.D. 2005. Soil micro-organisms in Antarctic dry valleys: Resource supply and utilization. Pages 71-84 In Gadd, G.M., Semple, K.T. and Lappin-Scott, H.M. (eds.) Micro-organisms and Earth systems – advances in geomicrobiology. Cambridge University Press, NY.
Hopkins D.W. and Gregorich E.G. 2005. The currencies of soil carbon. Pages 114-115 In Martin-Neto, L., Milori, D.M.B.P. and da Silva, W.T.L., (eds.) Humic Substances and Soil and Water Environment. Proceedings of the XII Int Meeting of IHSS, Sao Pedro, SP Brazil. July 25-30, 2004. ISBN: 85-86463-12-4.
Hopkins, D.W. and Gregorich, E.G. 2005. Carbon as a substrate for soil organisms. Pages 57-79 In Biodiversity and function in soils. Bardgett, R.D., Usher, M.B., and Hopkins, D.W., (eds.) Cambridge University Press.