Kathryn Lindsay

Adjunct Research Professor

Degrees:B.Sc. (Queen's), M.A. (Harvard), Ph.D. (Carleton)

Current Research

Dr. Lindsay has been involved in future scenario and ecological risk assessment studies at local to national scales in Canada, the USA and Panama to understand effects of land cover and land use (particularly agriculture and urbanization) and more recently, climate change, on wildlife, water, and people, and to explore approaches for incorporating nature conservation into land-use policy, planning and decision-making. Her current involvement in graduate student research includes habitat suitability modeling for species at risk, relationships between farmland heterogeneity and biodiversity, and effects of land use and environmental governance on the sustainability of ecosystem services in a rural Ontario watershed.

Selected Publications

Kirk, D., K. Lindsay and R. Brook. 2011. Risk of agricultural practices and habitat change to farmland birds. Avian Ecology & Conservation.  In press.

Melles, S.J., M.-J. Fortin, K. Lindsay and D. Badzinski. 2011. Expanding northward: Influence of climate change, forest connectivity, and population processes on a threatened species’ range shift. Global Change Biology

Olson, L. and K. Lindsay. 2009. Here today, gone tomorrow? Targeting conservation investment in the face of climate change. J. Geography and Regional Planning 2:20-29.

Pasher, J., D. King and K. Lindsay. 2007. Modelling and mapping potential hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina) habitat using remotely sensed imagery. Remote Sensing of the Environment 107: 471-483.

Lindsay (as Freemark), K., M. Meyers, D. White, L.D. Warman, A.R. Kister and P. Lumban-Tobing. 2006. Species richness and biodiversity conservation priorities in British Columbia, Canada. Can. J. Zoology 84:20-31.