
Topographies is the Geography and Environmental Studies Seminar Series. Speakers are invited to present their research to an audience of graduate students, faculty, and other interested affiliates, on topics related to one of our various fields: environmental and climate change studies; human or physical geography; and geomatics.

We were drawn to the name Topographies as it works both materially (as arrangements of physical or natural features on the surface of the Earth, represented on a map or chart) and metaphorically (as aspects or nuances of an idea or theory). Formerly the Founders Seminar (2000-2024), named in honour of founding departmental members from the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s, Topographies represents the next chapter of our efforts to build a community of scholars.

Seminars will be held in person in Loeb A220 from 2:30pm – 4pm on Wednesdays, unless specified otherwise in the schedule below. 

The Geography and Environmental Studies Departmental Seminar Series is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please send requests for accommodation to Natalia Fierro.

2024 – 2025 Seminar Series Schedule

November 6 – Dunton Tower 2017
14:30-16:00, followed by a casual social event
Tyler McCreary (Florida State University)
“Indigenous Legalities, Pipeline Viscosities”
author-meets-critics with Graeme Auld, John Carlson and Julie Tomiak

November 20 – Loeb A220
Register to join by Zoom outside of Ottawa
Mary Cadenasso (University of California, Davis)
“Investigating urban residential landscapes as coproduced social-ecological systems:
An agenda for integrating water conservation, vegetation choice, and vulnerability to heat across scales”

January 22 – Loeb A220
DGES Postdoctoral Fellows

February 26 – Loeb A220
Dr. Robert Huish (Dalhousie University, Halifax)
“The Empire Strikes Back: Why Donald Trump’s Geographic Illiteracy is the World’s Greatest Threat.”

March 12 – Dunton Tower 2017
Richa Nagar (Smith College)
“Hungry Translations: Feminist Retellings for Justice with Richa Nagar”

April 2 – Dunton Tower 2017