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Health Promotion

Diabetes Management

Eleven million Canadians are living with diabetes or prediabetes. Chances are, diabetes affects you or someone you know.

Let’s Bike Month at Carleton

Throughout the month of June, Healthy Workplace teams up with Sustainability Carleton to bring Let’s Bike Month to Carleton University. By dedicating an entire month to cycling, we hope to encourage the Carleton community to hop on their bikes, explore the city on two wheels, and experiment with a more active and sustainable alternative for their daily commutes to and from campus.

Carleton’s Underground Tunnels

Carleton’s tunnels are a unique and accessible way to explore campus. A great way to avoid the rainy weather or the inevitable -30 temperatures this upcoming winter and travel to your next meeting or your parking spot via the tunnels. Walking Carleton’s underground tunnels is also a great way to add movement into your day.

Self-Care Resources

Self-care plays an important role in nurturing other important areas of health, wellness, and everyday life. Healthy Workplace hopes to shine a light on the behaviors, routines, rituals, and habits that positively impact overall health and wellness, and to encourage the Carleton faculty and staff community to find small pockets within their days where they can implement self-care in a meaningful way.