Meet Meghan Day at “How I got hired: Advice for recent ID grads by recent ID grads” on July 22nd on Zoom. The discussion starts at 6:30 PM; come prepared with questions to ask!

Meghan Day (She/Her), Pratt MID ‘24,  is an industrial designer and user researcher who loves storytelling through design. She brings a balanced blend of creativity and strategic thinking to my projects, leveraging her abilities to craft narratives, conduct compelling research, and ideate with empathy to create impactful user experiences.

During this event, our speakers will share their valuable insights, experiences, and strategies that helped them stand out in the job market. This event is a fantastic opportunity to gain insider knowledge, learn from successful professionals, and boost your confidence as you embark on your job search journey ✨

Register here to secure your spot

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 in
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