Photo of Alisdair Macrae

Alisdair Macrae

Contract instructor
    Department:School of Industrial Design


    Having studied Fine Arts at the University of Victoria and the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College, Alisdair has a background in interactive and socially engaged sculpture and installation. He has also studied Public Administration at Seton Hall University, out of an interest in effecting change through non-profits and NGOs. In 2012, he completed a thesis on Joane Cardinal-Schubert, a Kainai artist from southern Alberta, for the graduate program in Art History at Carleton University.

    In his artistic practice, MacRae uses plans as a starting point for interpretation, examining issues of scale and perspective, as well as community and exchange, experienced through a hands-on, do-it-yourself approach that enables social and economical interactions. His interest in design stems from an interdisciplinary approach, particularly on the relationship between culture and design.