Photo of Maryam Attef

Maryam Attef

Contract instructor
    Department:School of Industrial Design


    Maryam Attef is a graduate of a Bachelor of Science degree with a concentration in health science and a minor in psychology (2014) at Carleton University. In 2021, she earned her Master of Design degree (M.Des.) from the School of Industrial Design at Carleton University. Currently, Maryam has started pursuing a Bachelor of Interior Design degree at Yorkville University, aiming to enhance her skills and experiences to design a better environment for different stakeholders in the healthcare environment.

    Maryam’s professional journey in human factors and ergonomics (HF/E) research methods and design continues as she collaborates with Professor Chantal Trudel as a research associate at Carleton University. Her work focuses on improving the design of spaces using HF/E principles.