• Full-time funding is available to those taking a minimum of 1.5 credits over the entire summer.
  • Full-time funding normally covers books, tuition, and some living expenses.
  • To apply for full-time OSAP funding, you need to fill out a new OSAP application (it’s still part of the current academic year).
  • See the Awards office website for a full-time “how-to” guide. Note: this is the 2022 guide. We’ll update the link once this year’s info is available.
  • Part-time funding may be available to students enrolled in fewer than 1.5 credits (if you take 0.5 or 1.0 credits. Part-time funding normally only covers the cost of tuition and books.
  • To apply for part-time OSAP, visit the OSAP website at osap.gov.on.ca.
  • See the Awards office website for a part-time OSAP “how-to” guide
  • Students with disabilities may be considered for full-time funding with a reduced course load (1.0 credit); please contact Awards with inquiries.