WebCT (Blackboard Campus Edition 8) is a Learning Management System (LMS) that can help instructors and teaching assistants communicate and engage with their students. It is used by over 55% of teachers in 45% of courses and by 12,000 students at Carleton every day.

Carleton’s current license agreement with Blackboard will expire in May 2012. In preparation, ITS and EDC will embark on three LMS trials that will directly involve over 400 faculty and students.

This academic year, ITS and EDC will trial three Learning Management Systems to find the best replacement for WebCT (Blackboard Campus Edition 8): Desire2Learn, Moodle and Blackboard 9. Each system will be branded to reflect the Carleton image and have 10 to 15 course sections loaded onto each system.

Desire2Learn trial began in September and will run until May 2011. Moodle and Blackboard trials will commence in January 2011 and run until May 2011.

The trials will be deemed successful if they prove to be modern, cost effective and manageable from both a user and an administrator perspective.