During the academic year 2023-24, ITS spent a considerable amount of time and effort engaging with sector leaders and organizations in post-secondary education, cybersecurity and research.

Valerie Turner, Chief Information Officer, served as:

  • Chair of the Ontario University Council of Chief Information Officers (OUCCIO),
  • a member of the Ontario Cybersecurity Higher Education Consortium (ON-CHEC) steering committee,
  • a member of the ORION Advisory Group, and
  • a member of the international working group for Microsoft licensing and the Ontario Education Collaborative Marketplace (OECM) Advisory Board for Microsoft renewal.

As well, Joseph Nelson, director of Enterprise Applications, served as a member of the OECM Advisory Board for the Research Management System RFP.

“One of the most rewarding aspects of working in higher education is the ability to collaborate with peers in other institutions and to contribute to the overall success of the sector,” said Valerie Turn, Chief Information Officer. “ITS is committed to promoting Carleton and supporting the sector at both the provincial and federal levels, engaging with sector leaders and organizations in post-secondary education, cybersecurity and research.”