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What is Microsoft Bookings?

Microsoft Bookings allows you to provide a URL which you can email or post on your website, and through which your clients (e.g. staff/ faculty/ students/ visitors) can book an appointment with you or a team member.

Booked appointments via the URL create an appointment in your existing Exchange calendar — there is no need for you to use extra software. Double-booking by your clients is not possible – when a timeslot has been booked, it is no longer available for appointments.

As the creator / owner of your booking calendar, you can configure at any time:
– your available-for-booking timeslots (e.g. Wed & Fri, 1-4pm)
– the length of a timeslot (e.g. 30 minutes, 60 minutes…)
– a list of team members, in addition to yourself, who are bookable
– an option for your clients to specify a specific team member
– an automated email response with an optional Teams meeting link

Why use
Microsoft Bookings?

Microsoft Bookings simplifies your clients booking meetings with you or your Team, within your team’s available-for-booking time-slots.

How do I create a

  • Log into https://outlook.office.com/bookings using your staff/faculty email: JaneDoe@cunet.carleton.ca
  • Select: Get it now
  • Enter the name of your new Booking calendar to create (If creating the  Booking Calendar on MS Teams where it says Type a business name make sure to put the name you want your Calendar to be Do not put Carleton or that is what the Calendar will be called).
  • Select Booking Page
    • Optional: Add logo
    • Optional: Require an Office 365 email account from Carleton to book
    • Select your Scheduling policy
      – Time increments: 30min, 1hr, etc.
      – Optional: Minimum and Maximum lead time
    • Select Email notifications
    • Optional: Staff: Allow customers to choose a specific person for the booking
    • Optional: Display business logo on your booking page
  • Click on “Save and publish”Screenshot of Bookings.office.com
  • Your Booking page status will show “published” and the URL of your Booking webpage will be shown and can be copied onto your departmental website or sent in an email to a client:
    https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/…Screen shot of Bookings.office.com showing published URL
  • Click on “Staff”
    • Add the Team members who can be booked through this calendar

How do my clients access my
Microsoft Bookings

Your clients can click on the Booking page URL that you created above which you can email them, place on your (departmental) website, or both.

How to Use



Can’t log into bookings.office.com with your @cunet.carleton.ca userid?
Your account needs a Microsoft Office 365 A3 license—you can verify you have one with the Service Desk.
Users unable to see drop down to add Booking Calendar?
Administrators of Calendar can send this link to Staff if this happens.
Change NameofBookingCalendar to the name you used when creating your Calendar.