Our Department rallied together with twenty-four faculty, students, and staff members (including the Dean of the FPA, Andre Plourde) to form the LLS Outlaws, a team that participated in the Terry’s CAUSE on Campus, the campus-based run organized by the Terry Fox Foundation on September 14th.
The team members tackled the 5km and the 10km routes, which wound along Colonel By Dr. up to Pretoria Bridge and back to campus.
All participants had a good time — check out some of the photos!

L- R: Instructor Graciela Jasa-Silveira and daughter Carolina; Coms Coordinator Gina Freitag; Jennifer Elliot of the OAVP, Students and Enrollment; Dean Plourde, FPA; Prof. Melanie Adrian; Prof. Dawn Moore and family.

Prof. Melanie Adrian with Jennifer Elliot

One of our supporters! Daughter of PhD Legal Studies student, Rebecca Bromwich

Another friendly supporter! Son of PhD Legal Studies student, Rebecca Bromwich

True ‘Outlaws’ at heart, complete with stick-on mustaches! Instructor Graciela Jasa-Silveira and daughter Carolina