Faculty Research Areas

Our teaching staff possess a number of research area strengths, including but not limited to the below major categories.

For more information on specific faculty members, click on the below faculty names, or view one of the following directory pages: Faculty Supervision Areas, Department FacultyAdjunct ResearchersEmeritus Professors.

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Subject Areas



Citizenship, Human Rights and Political Economy Research in this area brings together faculty strengths around hierarchies of economic and political power, both between and within states.

Conflict Resolution This field addresses the theory of conflict resolution and mediation and provides analytical and practical tools for understanding and resolving conflict.

Crime, Governance and Security This field addresses crime from local, national and international perspectives. Research in this area looks at crime as a social phenomena linked to questions of morality, identity, gender, political economy, history and culture. We take on the problem of security from the neighbourhood to the globe.

Gender, Sexuality and Identity This field captures longstanding faculty expertise and research and incorporates social justices issues around race, disability, and sexual identity.

Globalization, International Law and Transnational Justice This field explores the limits and relevance of international law in the emerging networks of global interdependence of peoples and states.

Law, History, Culture and Humanities This interdisciplinary field interrogates the various ways in which law is mediated by culture, by history, by language, or by religion. At the same time, the ways in which law regulates social, cultural, religious, literary, or linguistic practices within society are also examined.