Ksenia Polonskaya
Assistant Professor
Degrees: | LL.B. (Kuban State), LL.M. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Queen's) |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 8212 |
Email: | Ksenia.Polonskaya@Carleton.ca |
Office: | C572 LA (Loeb Building) |
Dr. Ksenia Polonskaya is looking to supervise students in the areas of commercial arbitration, investment arbitration, and the World Trade Organization (WTO) law. She is particularly interested in the projects that examine the intersection of international economic law with human rights and climate change.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
“Metanarratives as a Trap: Critique of Investor–State Arbitration Reform” (2020) 23:4 Journal of International Economic Law 949-971.
“Allocation of Costs in Investor-State Arbitration: Abuse of Process Claims, Claims Manifestly Without Legal Merit and Unfounded Claims” (2020) 11:4 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 589-613.
“Selecting Candidates to the Bench of the World Court: (Inevitable) Politicization and Its Consequences” (2020) Leiden Journal of International Law 409-428.
“Advisory Jurisdiction of the World Court: Judicial Propriety Deconstructed in Light of Chagos Archipelago” (2019) 18:2 Journal of the Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 189-218.
“Diversity in Investor-State Arbitration: Intersectionality Must Be a Part of the Conversation” (2018) 19:1 Melbourne Journal of International Law 259-298.
“Frivolous Claims in the International Investment Regime: How CETA Expands the Range of Frivolous Claims that May Be Curtailed in an Expedient Fashion” (2017) 7 Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law 1-35.
Contributions to Edited Volumes
“Domestic Courts as Transnational Actors in International Investment Law: A Canadian Perspective” in Anastasios Gourgourinis (ed), Transnational Actors in International Investment Law (Springer, 2021) 151-170.
“One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Remedies in the Context of Investors Responsibilities” in Oonagh Fitzgerald (ed), Corporate Citizen New Perspectives on the Globalized Rule of Law (with Hugo Perezcano Diaz, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020) 231-246.
“Arbitral Institutions’ Response to Perceived Legitimacy Deficits: Promoting Diversity, Transparency and Expedition in Investor-State Arbitration” in Freya Baetens (ed), Legitimacy of Unseen Actors in International Adjudication (Cambridge University Press, 2019) 371-392.
Book Reviews
“Book review: C. Titi and K. Fach Gomez (eds), Mediation in International Commercial and Investment Disputes (2019)” Leiden Journal of International Law 1-4.
Other Publications
“Engendering International Trade and Investment Arbitration for Sustainable Development” (2020) CIGI Policy Brief, online:< https://www.cigionline.org/publications/engendering-international-trade-and-investment-arbitration-sustainable-development>
“True Diversity is Intersectional: Escaping the One-Dimensional Discourse on Arbitrator Diversity” Kluwer Arbitration Blog, online:<http://arbitrationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/2018/07/10/true-diversity-is-intersectional-escaping-the-one-dimensional-discourse-on-arbitrator-diversity/> (with J. Karton)
“Eli Lilly v. Canada: Investor-State Arbitration Is an Open Gate for the ‘Patent Trolls’” IPilogue: Osgoode Law School, online: <http://www.iposgoode.ca/2017/11/eli-lilly-v-canada-investor-state-arbitration-is-an-open-gate-for-the-patent-trolls/>