This year’s recipient for the Chet Mitchell Memorial Award in Law is M.A. Legal Studies candidate, Sydney Jacklin!
The award was presented to Sydney at the 11th Annual Carleton Graduate Legal Studies Association Conference which took place on Thursday, March 17, 2016. Sydney’s research is interested in how the law constitutes ways of ‘knowing’ sexual violence and trauma. She has a particular interest in exploring ways visual and performance art may be used as a platform for redefining knowledge and experience.

L-R: Sydney Jacklin and Prof. Christiane Wilke. Photo by: Marcus Sibley.
About the Award
Established in 1991 by colleagues, family, and friends in honour of the late Chet Mitchell, who was a professor in the Department of Law and Legal Studies. This award is given annually to a deserving student enrolled in the Master of Arts program in legal studies.